To assure that the thread is put to the best use, please post your CAT 2013 experience in the following format :CAT Center, Date and Slot:1) How many attempts you have made?2) Your last mock score?If you are there at repository thread, ple…
To assure that the thread is put to the best use, please post your CAT 2013 experience in the following format :
CAT Center, Date and Slot:
1) How many attempts you have made?
2) Your last mock score?
If you are there at repository thread, please provide the link here.
3) How was your experience of the test?
4) What was the surprise element for you?
5) Any tips to handle the computer based exam better?
6) Your overall analysis of the exam. Toughness, new topics, sections etc.
7) Any other query or something you would like to share.
Any post on this thread, not following the format OR any post trying to mislead will be deleted.
1) How many attempts you have made?20+,20+(didn't have to time check,i'd say roughly 20-22,22-24)
2) Your last mock score?97.xx
If you are there at repository thread, please provide the link here.
3) How was your experience of the test?Moderate,not as tough as i thought it would be,although in exam conditions failed to answer a few easy ones.
4) What was the surprise element for you? Not too many functions or geometry 😛
5) Any tips to handle the computer based exam better? Count from 100 to 1,then rotate counter clockwise whilst yelling "who's your daddy?" i find it improves my ability with computers
6) Your overall analysis of the exam. Toughness, new topics, sections etc.Moderate-very few sitters.
CAT Center, Date and Slot: Bangalore , 3.15pm
1) How many attempts you have made? Around 16-17 in QA and 17-18 VA ( Not sure )
2) Your last mock score? AIMCAT scores varied from 85 - 98 percentile
3) How was your experience of the test?
I have a screwed up feeling ! I wasn't motivated enough for the exam and most of the time I had a lazy approach. Regretting it now. The test didn't have much surprises. I didn't find it too easy though. LR 1 set was difficult and I couldn't attempt. 1 RC was difficult and I couldn't make anything out of it.
4) What was the surprise element for you?
Unlike last year most questions I got was similar to AIMCAT questions. But with a screwed up time management and a lazy approach I spoiled it ! Regrets again !
5) Any tips to handle the computer based exam better?
It's something well known still just saying what I feel. There should be adequate practice closer to the exam else you might fumble in CAT. I didn't take an online test in the past two weeks and it really affected my time management.
6) Your overall analysis of the exam. Toughness, new topics, sections etc.
Like many people said, I too think that it wasn't that easy compared to last year. Still a well prepared candidate can easily attempt around 25 questions in each sessions. Personal Opinion.
7) Any other query or something you would like to share.
In most articles you read that you will succeed with a cool approach. But from my experience I feel a cool and lazy approach won't help ! Don't panic, but certainly be excited and serious about the exam. Only a motivated mind can bring out the best.
Sigh ! Now it's going to be a another year.. But will definitely work harder for a next time ! Tired and shattered now... Good luck guys for the last day of CAT...!!