CAT 2013 Prep

There are many threads for topic wise preparation of CAT 2013. But no thread is currently focusing on all the topics equally. In this thread we will prepare for CAT, not for parts of CAT. A daily dose of all types of questions is what will lead to…

There are many threads for topic wise preparation of CAT 2013. But no thread is currently focusing on all the topics equally. In this thread we will prepare for CAT, not for parts of CAT. A daily dose of all types of questions is what will lead to a nice score in both the sections. Otherwise many people score well in only one section and the result becomes skewed. Types of questions and number of posts for different topics will follow the pattern of CAT. All those who want to participate are free to join. But beware no nuisance etc will be tolerated. There is a specific pattern n plan we are going to follow, it you feel it suits you your most welcome to join.


1) Everyday : Geometry, Number system, Algebra, Arithmetics, DI Set, Vocab or FIB , RC, PJ, PC , CR, SC and LR question will be discussed

2) Other topics will be included as CAT comes closer. For now we are gonna follow this. For any changes, read this 1st post.

3)Ask as many doubts but no unwanted posts required. Lets keep the thread clean.

4)Everyone is welcome to bring their own set of questions etc,but be regular in providing OA too if you set time limit. No delays will allowed, if you think you will be delayed pass the key to the active members on this thread.

5) Do not forget to enter SET number before you post your question.

6) Volunteers please come forward. No one can do it alone. So please divide our tasks for posting. Someone please take jimmedari of QA questions. This thread is gonna get us good percentile if we keep it steady till CAT. Lots of time. So please post QA questions. Especially Algebra and Geometry .

Rules as when need be will be updated


(A) He teaches a designer version of the 5,000-year-old science (which was first noticed on an Indus Valley seal with an ithyphallic animal lord) at a constant 105 degrees F. Contorting the body to increase sense and suppleness and creating a sub-school called "hot yoga" or simply "Bikram Yoga."
(B) Yoga has become the most fashionable epoxy between the West and India, and Bikram Choudhary, 56, a Kolkata-born Beverly Hills yogi, the most fashionable guru.
(C) The latest to join Choudhary's establishment-his Yoga College of India has hundreds of branches all over the world with 50 in California alone-are preteen school footballers from Lake Hills who are keen to lift the Local trophy.
(D) Now it is believed that three million people worldwide practise this style in an endeavour to flaunt a yoga butt, including trendsetting icons like Raquel Welsh, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and pop yogini Madonna.

(1) BADC
(2) DBAC
(3) BDAC
(4) BACD


1.Nobody likes to feel fearful and because of that, most people will habitually react to fear by avoiding,
repressing or suppressing it. It takes courage and wisdom to see that our fear can be our greatest
teacher. When we examine our fear, we will often discover that it is irrational. There is no real basis or
substance to our fear. _________________
(a) Fear is very much real and is built upon past experiences or imprints.
(b) That is why fear is often described as "False Evidence Appearing Real".
(c) The situation may have changed but the imprints compel us to react in a knee jerk manner.
(d) The good news is that this habit or tendency CAN be transformed.

According to me for PJ set 1 - option 4

Exhaustion of natural resources, destruction of individual initiative by governments, control over mens minds by central __________ of education and propaganda are some of the major evils which appear to be on the increase as a result of the impact of science upon minds suited by __________ to an earlier kind of world.


1. Unlike most severance packages, which require workers to stay until the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package even if they find a new job before they are terminated.
A) the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package
B) the last day they are scheduled to collect, workers are eligible for it at the automobile company's severance package
C) their last scheduled day to collect, the automobile company offers its severance package to workers.
D) their last scheduled day in order to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers.
E) the last day that they are scheduled to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers.


The overriding emphasis on using life insurance policies as tax saving
tools in India has relegated their raison d €™etre - risk coverage €“ to a
secondary factor.
Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the above claim?
(1) It was found that most life insurance companies highlighted the
tax saving factor in their advertisements
(2) People who invested in insurance policies were mainly from
urban areas
(3) An income €“tax analysis showed that most people had used
insurance more than other investment avenues available to save
(4) It was found that there was a rush for new life insurance policies
only towards the end of the financial year when people had per
force to save so as to avoid paying high taxes.


A British judge has decided that belief in human influence on climate has the status of religious conviction. This is being celebrated as a success by some activists. As a scientist who works on climate change, I find it deeply alarming. Is Jeremy Clarkson similarly entitled to protection if he declares himself a conscientious objector and wants to keep his 4 x 4?

It is yet another symptom of general confusion over the status of science among the public, politicians, the judiciary and, indeed, just about anyone who is not a practising scientist. I don't ask anyone to believe in human influence on climate because I do, or because thousands of other scientists do. I ask them to look at the evidence. As Einstein is said to have reacted to an article entitled 100 scientists against Einstein: “If I'm wrong, one would be enough.”

The scientific case for human influence on climate is not a political opinion, made stronger simply by lots of people signing up. Nor is it a religious conviction, made stronger, in Mr Justice Burton's phrase, if it is “genuinely held”. It is based on evidence and understanding that has withstood some of the most intense scrutiny in the history of science.

If I could come up with convincing evidence that greenhouse gas emissions do not cause dangerous climate change after all, evidence that similarly withstands the scrutiny of my peers, I would get, and deserve, a Nobel prize (and for physics this time, not peace). If a scientist finds something that appears to conflict with mainstream opinion, she or he publishes it like a shot – this is not the behaviour of an adherent to a “genuinely held philosophical belief”.

There is, of course, a moral and ethical dimension: to what extent should we concern ourselves with what happens to the generation-after-next? But very few of those arguing against emission reductions actually claim they don't care at all what happens in the 22nd century. They argue that emission reductions will not make a substantial difference to the risk of dangerous climate change. That is a testable hypothesis, and one which looks, on the overwhelming weight of current evidence, to be wrong.

To be fair, Tim Nicholson, the activist who brought the case, seems to be aware he may have opened a Pandora's box, stressing that climate change is not a new religion because it “is based on scientific evidence”. But that means he should have lost his case: one of the key arguments the judge used was that, in his opinion, the case for human influence on climate was not “a view based on the present state of information available”. But that is precisely what scientific evidence provides: if countervailing information becomes available, I would revise my view, as would any genuine scientist.

There is a very dangerous trend to regard climate scientists as just one of many “stakeholders” in the climate change debate. Journalists have taken to asking me whether I take steps to reduce my personal carbon footprint, presumably as a test of whether my beliefs are “genuinely held”. If anyone thinks this is relevant, they don't understand how science works. I know climate scientists who drive Priuses and climate scientists who drive 4x4s: this is not a factor I consider when reading or reviewing their papers.

1) Which of the following factors underlines the main reason why the author finds the statement of the British Judge alarming?
a)The British Judge is not a practicing scientist like the author.
b)The British Judge disregards the evidence which points to human influence on climate change.
c)The climate change lobby has genuine believers in the 'human influence on climate change' which is like a religious conviction.
d)The judge may lose his position if it is proved that humans are actually responsible for climate change.
e)None of these

2) Which of the following cannot be inferred from the passage ?
a)An adherent to a genuinely held philosophical belief would not normally, immediately publish a finding which is in conflict with mainstream opinion.
b)According to the British Judge, the belief and conviction in human influence on climate change can be traced back to the evidence in the past.
c)A scientist who furnishes evidence which proves beyond doubt that climate change is independent of human influence should be awarded the Nobel Prize.
d)Both A and B
e)None of these.

3) Which of the following would be most in line with the author's views in the passage ?
a)Climate scientists should not be regarded as stakeholders in the climate change process.
b)Climate scientists should take steps to reduce their personal carbon footprint in order to reinforce their genuine image in the media.
c)Climate scientists do not worry about the adverse effect on the climate which is caused by the small day to day tasks that they indulge in.
d)It is important to focus on the views of climate scientists even though the scientists may not have taken personal steps in line with their views.
e)None of these

PJ Set 1


During a political rally, seven leaders of a party – Amit, Birbal, Chandan, Danish, Farukh, Ghosh and Pranab – are sitting on seven chairs arranged in a row, not necessarily in the same order. It is also known that:
(i) Birbal is sitting beside Farukh.
(ii) Pranab is the party president and so he is sitting in the middle of the row.
(iii) Either Amit or Danish, but not both, is sitting at one of the ends of the row.
(iv) Chandan and Ghosh are sitting as far as possible from each other, without violating other conditions.

44. If 'n' represents the number of leaders sitting between Amit and Chandan, which of the following is not a possible value of 'n'?
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5

45. Which two leaders, among the given pairs, cannot sit adjacent to each other?
(A) Ghosh and Danish (B) Chandan and Birbal
(C) Danish and Farukh (D) Amit and Ghosh

@TootaHuaDil said:

44. If 'n' represents the number of leaders sitting between Amit and Chandan, which of the following is not a possible value of 'n'?(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 545. Which two leaders, among the given pairs, cannot sit adjacent to each other?(A) Ghosh and Danish (B) Chandan and Birbal(C) Danish and Farukh (D) Amit and Ghosh
44. (B) 2
45. (B) Chandan & Birbal





PJ Set 1: Option 1-BDDC



Correction BADC

@TootaHuaDil BADC
@TootaHuaDil said:
PC SET 11.Nobody likes to feel fearful and because of that, most people will habitually react to fear by avoiding,repressing or suppressing it. It takes courage and wisdom to see that our fear can be our greatestteacher. When we examine our fear, we will often discover that it is irrational. There is no real basis orsubstance to our fear. _________________(a) Fear is very much real and is built upon past experiences or imprints.(b) That is why fear is often described as "False Evidence Appearing Real".(c) The situation may have changed but the imprints compel us to react in a knee jerk manner.(d) The good news is that this habit or tendency CAN be transformed.

PC SET 1 - B@