Hi folks, Let’s have a meet this Saturday. It needs to get over by 5 pm at the request of one of the active members of BCS. Time : 3 30 pm, Saturday, 4th November. Place : Open air on Barista on MG Road Incentive : Coffees are on me …
Hi folks,
Let's have a meet this Saturday. It needs to get over by 5 pm at the request of one of the active members of BCS.
Time : 3 30 pm, Saturday, 4th November.
Place : Open air on Barista on MG Road
Incentive : Coffees are on me :)
*Edited to add* : striked out because we are going to reschedule it only after we have enough interested junta.
For the uninitiated, this thread is for people from Bangalore who want to make a difference to the community around them - call it volunteering, call it community service, call it payback.
To reiterate, almost all of us here are part of the lucky 2% in the world who are "HAVES" in contrast to the "HAVE-NOTS", and all that is needed to help bridge this gap is a little bit of your time every one or two weeks.
Is it really such a big deal taking two hours off on a Sunday afternoon ? Isnt it better than watching a re-run of Totall Recall on Star Movies ? We are all busy, but we cant be THAT busy.
If you are thinking what you gain out of this, its a valid question - you can ask the Hydie and Mumbai folks about how enriched they felt after executing some of the community service projects they took up
The reason we should have it on Saturday is that if we can converge on an action plan, some of us can follow it up on Sunday to figure out the next step.
Please post so we can have an approx count of how many people would turn up.
And, if you are not interested in community service as such, but you still want to meet up, feel free to bump in. We can test our sales skills on you 😃
I can't say for sure right now, but I'll try 😁
Bump Bump Bump
shameless bump again
arboreal_tarantula @ Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:02 pm| Saysshameless bump again
What the hell is wrong with our PG guys!!! When we met all of them during All India PG meet, there were quite a few of them interested in CS. Now, there are hardly anybody to even reply on this thread!! : : :
Shams, pls check some prev threads.. there are a coupla gals who were interested... u can get to PM them & start off something!!!

yes, i talked to suchs and she is coming.
well, we will need to do what uday did tying up with helix and pulling in oracle volunteers. so .. lets keep the faith 😃
I'm interested - are you planning the meeting this (coming) Sunday?
OK .. we are going to take a slightly different approach here. before we have at least a critical mass of at least 7-8 people, we are NOT going to meet - nothing worse than a useless meet to kill enthu, right ?
here is what i propose instead :
I will build a list of people who are interested. You guys can pm me your phone numbers and email addies. Once I have a list with some names in it, I will call you folks up individually to figure out a convenient time and place. And yes, I am going to continue to bump this thread up shamelessly - i dont give up easily. Moderators, please excuse my incorrigibility. Also, I encourage you folks to post in this thread if you are interested, parallely PMing me your contact numbers.
I have the following names :
(*Ph*) means I have their phone numbers too.
Names :
1. Psychodementia ( Arun ) (*Ph*)
2. Suchs ( Suchitra ) (*Ph*)
3. Ranjitha
4. Zango ( Girish ) (*Ph*)
5. DJ
6. great_one ( Ramki )
7. Sindol ( Amar )
Sindol, DJ, Ramki, Ranjitha, please let me know your contact numbers.
thanx !
I am interested.
Saturday should be fine with me.
- Ramki.
hi guys,
great job restarting the thread. i had given up actually. plus CAT kept me busy. now that thats out of the way...we can all start the job of rejuvenating interest. arboreal...i agree with what you have to say. have PMed my contact details to you. you can count DJ in too. I shall call her up and brief her on the developments.
lets hope to do some real work this time.
Hi Shameekh,
I suggest we keep it informal but at the same time keep an agenda so we are productive whatever little time we spend brain-storming. I also propose that you be the facilitator for the same.
It will be a good idea if we have a discussion here so we set expectations for the session. I would also encourage people to have a general idea of what to read up before coming in and what questions to ask.
BTW Shameekh, I had a talk with the people at my company - Sapient Corp. and will be able to drive the CS initiative here. But I need something more concrete to work on before that. I have a strong network among IT professionals in Bangalore, so even that would help.
Good to see enthu comin back a lil :)
I agree with u Arun - we will need something concrete before we take this out beyond PG.com and use our other networks . definitely.
about the meet, guys, we will meet only after it becomes clearer as to how many people r interested.we might even club it together with the general pg meet .. lets get the names first !
i have 6 names now .. and its a start .. but we need more 😃 .. come on junta
hi all,
I am new to the forum(in fact, this is my debut post). Would love to be a part of the CS group. But i cant make it this weekend since i am visiting my native place - pune. but yeah, from next time on, u can definitely include me.
- Amar
amar, we are unlikely to have the meet this weekend, so u wud be able to make it hopefully 😃 ... we are still waitin for more guys to sign up
bump. folks, givin ur name here is NOT a commitment to BCS. just an expression of interest . so dont be scared 😃
decided to bump the thread ... hope its okay arb0
Hey guys !!
Whats up ?? I guess the meet is called off for the evening today.
Its kinda sad to see no enthu.........not the kind of response I expected.
Hey Shameek,
Do count me in... Let me know when is the meet?
Hey guys !!
Whats up ?? I guess the meet is called off for the evening today.
Its kinda sad to see no enthu.........not the kind of response I expected.
arb0 said we will postpone the meet till we have more critical mass (like 15+ ppl) - i agree with him.
am sure we will get more ppl interested soon!