As i couldn’t find any thread pertaining to Bulls Eye’s mocks,i am creating one here.Post your Bulls Eye’s mock scores in this thread. ::
As i couldn't find any thread pertaining to Bulls Eye's mocks,i am creating one here.

ID: 14120591 Name: K.Manohar IIT Mandi BTech Final Year.
All India Mock CAT 02:
VA - 7 (Test Window closed before 30 mins!) - 39.91% :(
QA - 39 - 99.54% OA 46 - 90.28% Rank 149
All India Mock CAT 03
QA - 57 - 94.92% VA - 49 - 97.67% OA - 106 - 97.33% Rank - 39 :)
All India Mock CAT 04
QA - 46 - 97.04% VA - 39 - 76.06% OA - 85 - 94.62% Rank - 73 .

@manu21y2k said: Bhai How would you rate Bulls Eye Test Series? I know they are not at par with TIME or CL but the questions are sometimes good enough.Whats your take?
Mid Sems took a toll. But still here are my scores:
All India Mock CAT 05:
QA/DI: 15(WTF!!)-65.17% VA/LR: 37(88.1%). All in all a very bad mock - OA: 83.76%
All India Mock CAT 06:
QA/DI: 10(WTF!!!!!)-66.15% VA/LR: 46(96.14%). VA saved me from a disaster.-OA: 90.79%
@manu21y2k said: @siddharth1991 Bhai saw your name on Bulls Eye Topper's List. Congrats Man. ATB for future.

I gave Mock CAT 7 on 18th. Got 82 (Sec1: 36 Sec2: 46) Waiting for final percentiles.
Hows the prep going? When is your CAT date?
@manu21y2k said: Hows the prep going? When is your CAT date?
Mock 7 dates are till 19th only right? I think even Mock 8 has kicked in. I am giving Mock 8 on Sat and yes my CAT date is also 25th. One long 30 days it will be from now on!
@manu21y2k said: Mock 7 dates are till 19th only right? I think even Mock 8 has kicked in. I am giving Mock 8 on Sat and yes my CAT date is also 25th. One long 30 days it will be from now on!

@manu21y2k said: @siddharth1991 My grad score is a bit lame. Though I am not really proud being in a IIT (new IIT in particular) with a 6.5 cg-pa is it going to be a real spoilsport for my chances? But then my X and XII are both 95+. I know now it is too late to even think about this and CAT is the first priority, but still I need some help.

Acha toh yeh hi reason hain Tuesday result ka! Theek hain then. Aur bhai I'm sorry may be I'm thinking too much about it and as far as I know you are doing far better than some of the guys at my college who are taking this test series (so called IITians!) particularly QA ka score toh you are rocking it. And I believe you make it big on the D-Day too. Bhai may be even with 95s I may loose up on normalization (A.P State Board ka average hin 85s mein hotha hain!) So may be its looking good on the surface not really so good!
@manu21y2k said: Acha toh yeh hi reason hain Tuesday result ka! Theek hain then. Aur bhai I'm sorry may be I'm thinking too much about it and as far as I know you are doing far better than some of the guys at my college who are taking this test series (so called IITians!) particularly QA ka score toh you are rocking it. And I believe you make it big on the D-Day too. Bhai may be even with 95s I may loose up on normalization (A.P State Board ka average hin 85s mein hotha hain!) So may be its looking good on the surface not really so good!

Bull Mock 7 QA/DI : 36 (78.11%) VA/LR : 46 (98.26%)
OA 82 (94.27%)
Rank: 66
At least 2-3 mistakes in Quant could've been avoided had i been more careful and confident.
What is bull's eyes mock??NEver heard !
Yaar Koi aur nahin aa sakte hain kya is thread pe? Ajeeb sa lag rahan hain bas do hin log hain yahan pe !!