for all those who luv thmself… b a part of ths thread and lets show every one that… YOUR CARE LUV AND SO CALD SELFLESS LUV deserves a STANDING OVATION OF MY MIDDLE FINGER@ibpsre @dsan @revn @emily6 @ojaswinii @ibpsaspirants20 @YouGoStudy @9040
for all those who luv thmself.. b a part of ths thread and lets show every one that.. YOUR CARE LUV AND SO CALD SELFLESS LUV deserves a STANDING OVATION OF MY MIDDLE FINGER
When I love, I love with no limitations, but if you betray me, I love myself enough to let go. - Unknown
i knw my worth, even if u dont
i luv myself even if u wont 👼👼👼👼👼👼👼
i took a long to see myself from other's eyes
now i can proudly say
ther is no medicine for this pain
neither time cud heal this
th only soln for this
supress that widin ur self
and learn to live wid that