Hi all, Today ATMA Feb paper got over. Post your experiences regarding number of attempts, level of difficulty, expected cutoffs etc.
Hi all,
Today ATMA Feb paper got over. Post your experiences regarding number of attempts, level of difficulty, expected cutoffs etc.
ATMA.... wats d tentative score for WELLINGKAR ????? any idea
i dnt rembr m atma password can ny one hlp me in dis
and wen z d result cumg out
im nt getng it in m email
i thnk dey hav made same password fr every 1
im nt getng it in m email
i thnk dey hav made same password fr every 1
wyt distinct pid no
so if u dnt mind me askng cn u giv me ur paswrd swo dat i cn try wyt dat
i knw im askng too much
sry and dnt mind plzzzzzzzzzzz
so if u dnt mind me askng cn u giv me ur paswrd swo dat i cn try wyt dat
i knw im askng too much
sry and dnt mind plzzzzzzzzzzz
no buddy
nt getng it nywhr
no buddy
nt getng it nywhr
even i tried calng dem
maild dem bt no reply frm der
me swo tensed
i dnt knw wat to do
@anu89 chilax bro...once result is out...ithink they will either mail or post our results...so once result is updated you can call them...
lets hope fr d best
bt i dnt hav ny idea hw dey r gona respond
dey r one lazy bum
@HariKhan said:@words24x7@gananime@richaagrl Any Idea about results ???
No idea. But I observed one thing..
Few days back, I logged in using candidate login and at that time, there was a link of 'Print Results' which had no link, so I assumed the link would be made available once the results were out.
However when I login today, I find that the page is completely blank (the initial 'Print results' was also not there)
I get the feeling that they are updating the website to upload our results (pure introspection).
In 'Important Dates' it's given results would be made available 3 weeks from the test. The exam was on 17th and this is the 3rd week...so if they are true to their words, the results should be available by this Sunday.
Few days back, I logged in using candidate login and at that time, there was a link of 'Print Results' which had no link, so I assumed the link would be made available once the results were out.
However when I login today, I find that the page is completely blank (the initial 'Print results' was also not there)
I get the feeling that they are updating the website to upload our results (pure introspection).
In 'Important Dates' it's given results would be made available 3 weeks from the test. The exam was on 17th and this is the 3rd week...so if they are true to their words, the results should be available by this Sunday.
@gananime yes i also noticed the same thing! and hope that it comes out by sunday!
but i had called ATMA ppl 2-3 days ago..they said result will come out next week and did not mention any particular date.
Lets hope it comes out soon!!
but i had called ATMA ppl 2-3 days ago..they said result will come out next week and did not mention any particular date.
Lets hope it comes out soon!!
Hi Puys, I called ATMA office today. They told me that the results are already sent on this friday i.e. 8-Marc-13 and it would reach us possible in 4-5 days.
Well, the results are NOT available on website for now

Don't know the reasons behind this.

And nice to see that OMS seats in Mh-CET would consider ATMA scores first time
@anu89 said:@smishrajeccan we apply for jbims wyt atma score
As per ATMA website www.atmaaims.com in "News & Announcements" column on extreme right side of the website. The news is flashing.
The news was posted in Pagalguy.com, but I think it is removed now.
I'm not sure about the same.
As per Atma website "News & Announcements" column:
" As per the directives fromGovernment of Maharashtra State, ATMA Score is valid for admissions against 15% OMS quota and 20% Institute level seats for all the institutes offeringMBA/MMS.