Logged in to start this thread!!! Thanks Apurv, U are FAST!! 😁 😁
So, PG junta made it into the newspaper for their communtiy service. WOW!! Keep up the good work, all of u!!!
Three Cheers to all of us!!! Thanks a lot NASIA!! 😁
PS: Still wondering what the title means!!?? :
Simba SaysStill wondering what the title means!!??:
LoL moi too

Guess the sub-editor was using up more brains than he/she could handle while editing

No one asked me .. booohoooo :(
Awwwsum work :thumbsup:
ps: who exactly are the "IIM" students ??
Way to go junta! We are in the newspapers and for our good deeds .. Touching lives! I'm so proud to be a part of the people who have pulled this off ..
Most of us also know, its just the begining 😁 But heck, we have proved that to do any kind of work for the community, we just need the will and the initiative. Everything else follows :)
Hoping more and more volunteers join us in making this world that a lil better place to be in :)
Awesome work peeps 😃 I guess it was just a matter of time bfore the community work hit the papers. Keep up the good work people :)
And anil, shucks
Hey,yeah...where did IIM students come in??
gr8 work ppl!!! gr8 to hear that PG is in the news.:):)
:smilecol: :smilecol:
Says Wayne Fernandes, a commerce graduate working with ABN Amro Bank: "The website offers an interactive forum, and the best part is that we get quick response to our queries."
i second that. :):)


Awesome Work Guys :)
Keep up the good work 😃 :bigups:
gr8 work volunteers . u all have made us proud . spcial thanks to apurv and nasia .
😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁
Hey ppl,
way to go! This is what we needed, to let the world know that we arent just a bunch of loudmouths who talk a lot, and do nothing! And that we, young and ambitious as we are, are socially conscious too and willing to do something about our world! I am proud of all who have put in the efforts to make this happen. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
To detract a little from the topic, I had a query... Do u ppl know if any b-schools invite organisations like WHO, UNESCO etc for placements? I know most people might not be interested, but I've met a few who are quite interested in this, and I was wondering if there is a possibilty that sth like this could be done?
Do let me know ur ideas on this...
And once again, PagalGuy is the best!!
awesome...bloody awesome.....i come out of my mock test centre...get a call from neha chhabra abt the same....rush to the nearest market...but culdnt find nr copies of pioneer..but managed to lay hands on a couple in the end....
have been showin off since then
way to go.... :thumbsup:
Wow grt job....nice to c good work getting well-deserved public recognition.....But me thinks the Caption of the article wasnt totally apt.....Shud have been more like B-schooler turn philantrophers or better Philantrophic Pagals 😃 .... all in all its the forum and its members that deserve the credit for the entire thing...
Grt going ppl....I hope I can b a part of such good causes in the future.
hey great going guys. keep on moving. this website is awesome. and this mite just be first of many glories fr pagalguy.com. I believe this is the best place to hang out fr an mba aspirant. i wont be surprised if in another 5 years time pagalguy.com has it own newspaper. I would also like to be part of the success story of pagalguy.com then. and also now. three cheers fr u guys. hip hip hurray hip hip hurray hip hip hurray
hey everyone.. gr8 work!!
btw if anyone in delhi gets the pioneer at their plc.. plz save the copy n keep it wid u..
also if any1 cn find more copies frm anywhere plz collect them n keep them...
apurv iv been looking, got a few today,will probably get a few more copies tom 😃
Ya, it had to be published sometime or the other. It should have been done earlier. Better late than never. There is no doubt that each of us deserve this kind of appreciation. Especially the person who started it all (PG bhai). Hats of to PG and Subbu. Practically speaking networking and putting togther something like this forum is not a simple task. Great job, you guys really deserve a lot more appreciation. 😁 . Things like this will keep coming. Lots to come and lots to see. 😁
Guyz real gr8 work ....
Oye ... what do u mean by who exactly are IIM students!!!! isnt it obvious
Great going Allwin :), Congratulations for this great achievement and all those who have been a part of it.
May this be just one of the many such success to come.
Best of Luck to one and all !!!!!
AHAAA!!!! :biggrin:
good to see that that article's come out!
:bigups: to everyone.
A lot of ppl have posted on this thread, hope u guys will be joining us real soon. :biggrin:
Do chk out the CS thread of ur city, and if there's none, go ahead and start one!
Once agian, kudos to all! 😁
congrats to all u volunteers for the awesome job u have been doing.
this article is a well deserved recognition for all of u. this is indeed a feather in the cap for pg.com !!
Cool man.. Congratulations to PGites ....
& kudos to allwyn, simba, wayne, sajeev, NASEOH ... for really makin a difference...