Well guys i dont know if this fits in here or not… but it’s something for a good cause… as all of us know and have been taught ( :: ) that smoking is bad for health but still many of us do smoke… even if they print tht warning on the …
Well guys i dont know if this fits in here or not.. but it's something for a good cause..
as all of us know and have been taught ( ) that smoking is bad for health
but still many of us do smoke.. even if they print tht warning on the packets and beneath their advertisements those of us who wanna smoke will.. everyone is aware of the kinda diseases it can cause.. so it is not even about awareness. but then there has to be someway out.. someway for us to try n relieve the society of this evil ( damn..!! i am as serious as i sound )
What i intend to do is to help ppl who wanna quit, quit. encourage n publicise things like nicotine patches, gum etc. n i have no idea how to go about this.. as quite of you have been doing some serious social work.. u guys must b having lotsa ideas..
Plz care to share'm over here..
PS: myself a smoker.. wanna quit but dont feel like quitting ( whtever tht is supposed to mean)
In a LIGHTER vein... how do u define a cigarette????
A bunh of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and................. a fool at the other
heard tht one...
but me lookin 4 some serious contributions here..
Jackal @ Wed Sep 29, 2004 12:18 pm SaysPS: myself a smoker.. wanna quit but dont feel like quitting (whtever tht is supposed to mean)
Hmm... Something like this, test it on urself... work on urself, succeed & then pass on the message. So, where to start.. with urself...

Yup, I am sure u can not only convince others but also make them quit if u can state urself as a splendid example. Come on, what more than a live person for an inspiration... 😁
hey guys,
a friend of mine srikanth used to smoke like hell... hes been trying to quit, and a few months back his dad, a doctor, got him nicotin patches... whenever he felt like smoking he'll jus put tht pat patch on his body.. he tells me its very effective and now all tht u find in his room is an open packet full off cigarattes (only difference is tht it had been bought 6 months back and never been emptied )
hey ppl,
i hv some takes on this issue..
lets analyse very objectively..To start with, lets c where we pick this habit from?Certainly not from our homes.. if there were, those would be a miniscule percetage of the total population.. We tend to pick it up from our school or college days more from the place where u relate more to the peer group present..I think peer pressure is one of the major factors for pickin up the wrong or the right habits.. we tend to do it just to hang around the ppl whom we would like to show off to others..( being a little extreme...). But once we do this repeatedly we kind of try to justify why we are doin this.. The lousiest reason that we hear is that he/she is in some sort of trouble and would like to forget that.. now would this solve the problem itself.. never!! atleast i haven't seen that...
we sort of reach an equilibrium with ourselves in the fact that our conscience is silenced whenever there is a voice inside tryin to speak out.. But this type of lower equilibrium is not something which is ideal.. indeed animals are also in equilibrium with their surroundings.. we shouldn't suppress our conscience..
another thing that i would like to ask ppl is to take some responsibility. now if someone points out the fact that its injurious to health, they quote some statistical studies which say that its not so.. now we all know it all depends on the sample being referred to..so lets not quote those.. coming back to the responsibility part, one shouldn't be selfish enough to think of his own self.. he should think that he also owes somethin to his family.. if tommo'w u were to know that you got some deadly disease b'cos of this , who is to blame.. now its ok to say, its my life, i will do as i want.. but rn't we responsible fot other things.. we need to think a lot..
as our seers say we should be adoptin Sama, dana ,danda, bheda to tackle any problem.. so with this... lets be like Neo in The Matrix understanding the futility of the pattern n cumin out of that...
I have long thought about it and I come down to either of 2 Fruedian theories which makes me reach out for that next cigarette each time :
Freud believed that there were 5 stages in the formation of your personality.
The first was what he called the Oral Dependency. If needs are not satisfied during this stage, one goes through life trying to meet them. Smoking, eating and drinking are seen as oral fixations. Recurring dreams and the feeling of incompleteness and unmet needs are common dreams.
Second was the more famous "anal retentive" phase. He believed that in this phase, a child if not handled properly or if child is traumatized, then one might become anal retentive, controlling, rigid or develop obsessive compulsive behaviors. Dreams of being out of control or trying to keep things in order are common.
I feel somewhere smoking is related to either (or both) of the above.
PS: I don't think I actually made sense with this post More like a Schodinger's cat !!
Hmm... Something like this, test it on urself... work on urself, succeed & then pass on the message. So, where to start.. with urself...![]()
Yup, I am sure u can not only convince others but also make them quit if u can state urself as a splendid example. Come on, what more than a live person for an inspiration... 😁
hmm well ok.. i'll do tht..
this time seriously...
will get some of those patches thingie from the chemist..
thx.. nice advice..
hmmm.. went 2 every damn chemist in "jabalpur" but culdn't find those patches newhere....
btw will somwone tell me does google select ads 4 pages intelligently.. just look at the top of this page
are people talking about
"how to kick butt" here 😃 ( pun intended )
are people talking about
"how to kick butt" here 😃 ( pun intended )
Hehe. Couldn't resist this Sidhuism
If ifs and buts were pots and pants there would be no tinkers!

actually its a shakespeareanism , if i remember correctly. sidhu does borrow liberally from other sources 😃
most of the guys think that smoking is being macho, big...but the truth is nobody likes them...let them ask the gals wht they prefer , a ride on a"smoking " steam engine or a ride in the "Non - smoking" bullet train...and pity on these guys/gals who smoke....panting to catch up with others while catching a train, struggling to run upstairs...pity
a pack of India kings --a wonderful time puffing and poluting the air----Rs.27
pass-pass or halls--- mouth freshner for the stinking mouth------Rs.1
Lung Cancer ------------PRICELESS
most of the guys think that smoking is being macho, big...but the truth is nobody likes them...let them ask the gals wht they prefer , a ride on a"smoking " steam engine or a ride in the "Non - smoking" bullet train...and pity on these guys/gals who smoke....panting to catch up with others while catching a train, struggling to run upstairs...pity
a pack of India kings --a wonderful time puffing and poluting the air----Rs.27
pass-pass or halls--- mouth freshner for the stinking mouth------Rs.1
Lung Cancer ------------PRICELESS
an addition to the previous post..
There r some things money can buy, for everything else, there's MASTERCARD

hey maddy, u left his out!
Officially I have quit for almost a month now. Feel a lot better !
I think in the end it all boils down to one own's will-power. Every smoker knows WHY smoking is bad, but he just needs to figure HOW to quit that.
good to point that out rasmus!!
smokin has become a serious problem in india.it is disheartening to see small kids of age 14 to 18 smokin.they learn it from elders.so it ll all stop only when elders stop using them.one must realise oneself that smokin is injurious not only to him but to ppl around him also.every smoker kills 4 ppl in a year.so can we conclude that smokers r cold blooded murderes :
badjackback @ Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:56 pm Sayssmokin has become a serious problem in india.it is disheartening to see small kids of age 14 to 18 smokin.they learn it from elders.so it ll all stop only when elders stop using them.one must realise oneself that smokin is injurious not only to him but to ppl around him also.every smoker kills 4 ppl in a year.so can we conclude that smokers r cold blooded murderes:
Are u sure its "every" smoker.....at this rate at our population won't be much of a problem in a few years..

PS: I don't smoke

I can never figure out y ppl smoke.. y wud u do something wen u noe its bad fr u? i mean some ppl do it bcos they think its 'macho' but iv seen perfectly sensible ppl who take to smoking n cant kick off the habit.. wonder y they do it!!