Hey puys, the first TIME AIMCAT for the 2013 season(for both classroom and test series students) has been announced and booking of time slots for the test has commenced. Link for the same can be accessed by logging in to your TIME student homepage…
Hey puys, the first TIME AIMCAT for the 2013 season(for both classroom and test series students) has been announced and booking of time slots for the test has commenced. Link for the same can be accessed by logging in to your TIME student homepage. It will be a invigilated online test to be held from 26th May to 3rd June 2013.
Please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Don't post/discuss any question(s) during the test window.
2. Share your slot details/attempts/score/experience in one post.
3. Refrain yourselves from spamming this thread.
Do update your Mock Scores [2013] Mock Score Repository : CAT & Related BSchools : PaGaLGuY Forums
Best of luck guys 👍👍 !!!

The first invigilated test and still no posts about to take it at home
can anyone tell me whether aimcat1420 is included in basic test series module or it is only for the enhanced version of
Hi guys, I am facing a problem while booking a slot for AIMCAT1420.
Any Idea , How to get the Questions and Solutions of Aimcat 1420
whats the procedure for giving the aimcats ..i am new to time and enrolled for advance correspondence ..kindly assist
AIMCAT 1420 Scores
any idea when is the next AIMCAT....?...I took basic package and wasn't allowed to take 1420.....
Hi Guys,
I know it is not a relevant thread to post this query but I did not found any dedicated thread to post this. How good is the test series of BYJU Classes ? Last year i had experienced TIME test series. What is the difficulty level of BYJU test series as compared to TIME or CL test series ?
QA : 15C 2IC 43 😠
VA : 17C 11IC 40
OA : 83 😠
Disappointing tbh! Should have attempted at least 8 more in Quant section to reach my usual 25 question mark. Accuracy as always let me down in VA. Paper on the whole was a little difficult relative to AIMTEST. Haven't given any AIMCAT earlier. So not in a position to comment on the difficulty of the paper.
QA: 8C 5W
QA : 15C 2IC 43 VA : 17C 11IC 40OA : 83 Disappointing tbh! Should have attempted at least 8 more in Quant section to reach my usual 25 question mark. Accuracy as always let me down in VA. Paper on the whole was a little difficult relative to AIMTEST. Haven't given any AIMCAT earlier. So not in a position to comment on the difficulty of the paper.
How much time did you take ? And are we allowed to leave as soon as we complete the test ?
Can anyone give me the access code as i missed it. I had called time for access code but they didnt gave. So if anyone can help plz message me..Thanks..
How much time did you take ? And are we allowed to leave as soon as we complete the test ?
Yes, we are allowed to leave as soon as we complete the test. Took me 70 minutes each for both the sections.
QA : 16C 1IC 47
VA : 16C 12IC 36
OA : 83
let down in verbal. RCs were confusing
quants:35 (17A 13C) ..too less attempts 😠
hey is there any way to give the invigilated AIMCATs at home? What if I am not able to go to the centre and still want to give the test? No way that could happen?
Here is the full AIMCAT schedule