All the discussion regarding AIM CAT 1107 'll be done here. Kindly proceed & use this thread… AIMCAT 1107 WINDOW : *Start * : Sept 12 - Sunday End : Sept 19 - Sunday
All the discussion regarding AIM CAT 1107 'll be done here.
Kindly proceed & use this thread..
Start : Sept 12 - Sunday
End : Sept 19 - Sunday
This aimcat is of +4/-1 format with 20 ques in each section.
Attempts: 42/60 ques
Right- 23.
Overall score- 73.
Scores declining mock by mock.. :-(:-(
Attempts: 51/60
Correct : 30
Incorrect : 21
Total score : 99
Worst accuracy!!!
This score may fetch around 93-95 percentile.
Quant: Questions were on the easy side.
DI: Calculation intensive (just like previous year CAT DI section). I found one set very confusing - felt ambiguity in the data.
VA: unable to judge since I am consistently scoring the low marks in this section irrespective of the difficulty level. But again found the questions were difficult.
Very good paper by Time.All the sections had a mix of easy to moderate questions.My score as usual wasn't that good.
DI - 12
QA - 16 ( Tried to guess a few close ones :()
VA - 17
Correct - 26
Wrong - 19 ( 😞 pathetic accuracy)
Score - 85
Too soon to predict but I think 120+ would be a good score.
PS : Why is TIME still giving +4/-1 format
pllzz put up a poll
attempted 44..
wrong.. 14
total 106.. i thought the paper was easy... poor time management did me in.. spent 1 hr on quants again.. and attempted only 11.. even though it wasn as tough as the prev mocks.. di was easy again..started solving d last caselet when time ran out 😞 va 30 mins.. qa 1 hr.. di 45 min.. but cud hv done that caselet in 45 mins.. wasted some time in the highest mark caselet.. 😞 i expect people to score 120+ quite easily.. 40r will be the benchmark i guess..
Had a very poor outing today.
Attempts: 49 (14Q/15DI/20VA)
Right: 29
Wrong: 20
Score: 96
2 papers in 2 days.. Almost no change :)
attempt 55 ( 18 QA 18 VA 19 LR)
Correct 39
Incorrect 16
Score: 140
Quant was tougher than 1108 and comparable to CAT 2008
LR was easy to moderate comparable to CAT 2009 levels
VA was moderate to tough .. Complex options..
A score of 180+ is very good in this one..
I would not be surprised to see 200+ scores though
hey are the GOD of CAT!!!

Please throw some light on your preparation strategies so that we poor souls could manage to get atleast a scrap of it 😃
2 papers in 2 days.. Almost no change :)
attempt 55 ( 18 QA 18 VA 19 LR)
Correct 39
Incorrect 16
Score: 140
Quant was tougher than 1108 and comparable to CAT 2008
LR was easy to moderate comparable to CAT 2009 levels
VA was moderate to tough .. Complex options..
A score of 180+ is very good in this one..
I would not be surprised to see 200+ scores though
Great score implex. Want to know how a few things from you.
- How you go about approaching a paper
- Which section order do you follow
- Any other out of the box tips for mortals
attempts: 50
correct: 35
oa: 125, i'm really not sure if the score is good enough, after looking at the posts by the ppl above just hoping it's 99 plus..
gave my 1107 today. Again a simple paper by TIME compared to it's usual standards.
DI looked simple surprisingly...Quant was decent and proper question choice is the trick this time, VA me to no comments till I see my scores :nono:
Attempted - 49
Correct - 31
Wrong 18
Score - 106
Again poor time management...didn't see a few questions in QA maybe could have scored more had I not got stuck in one remainder question!
looking at the trends and the paper standard, I guess my score would fetch around 97+ %ile
120 for 99%ile maybe!
and I would be very surprised if I see a 200 score, I mean it's possible but it'll definitely surprise me
after 2 mock full of server problems....nd no result
and a pathetic aimcat 1108 yesterday i was all set
to go for a complete swing of strategy this time
a very cautious approach in va and going all out in qa/di in the remaining time
ended up giving close to 55 mins in va with 20 attempts and 35 mins in qa with 14 attempts and 45 mins in di with 15 attempts.
was very nervous for the first time when the test was being evaluated.
i am decently happy with my score of 106 even though i am sure the test is easy.
PS-sometimes you feel jealous of your own brother. same test same time same day he scores a 140 and i scored a 106.right to be jealous and why shouldn't I.seeing the analysis he has put up.....i feel i have scored a 0 in this test.:-(
Again a poor show ... 2nd consecutive day ....
got 43 and yesterday I got 45 in 1108 ....
I am tired of giving AIMCATs and CATs every year .... Now these test are generating a lot of frustration in me.
I really dont understand where I go wrong.
This is my last chance and im still not getting the a score that can atleast get me 90%ile. I prep from Arun Sharma + last year AIMCATs + last to last years AIMCAT but still I am not getting the score.
Can any one suggest me from where should I prepare? I really want to know from where these TIME ppl pick the questions to prepare the test. I have seen that the questions in Arun Sharma and TIME material are not that tough or maybe the book im using is too old.
Last 2 months left.... need solid prep .......
Seriously I need someone who can guide me ..... I work hard but the direction is missing ......
Right now, after giving 1107 and 1108 in 2 consecutive and putting a poor show, I am confused from where should I start and what should I do?
If you know any good QA/LR/VA book, please share with me. I will be really grateful. Thanks
Too many mocks in the last few days....attempted this mock with the feeling: "i just wanna get this over with..".
Anyways...blitzed through the paper without stopping to think anywhere...attempted all questions
Ended up with 33R 27W
Now I have a break before the next aimcat so hopefully I'll be in the right frame of mind for that one...
PS: Implex Sir!! Mindblowing score!!!
Need to do something abt my speed and time management
Dunno of late QA seems to more time because of which I fall short of time in VA :P
Attempts 53 (16QA 17VA 20DI)
Correct 43
Score 162
I guess VA will be a borderline case cause expect good accuracy in DI and QA, let see
P.S Due to Ganesh Visarjan the center was closed and had to give the mock at home, it got disconnected once but no major glitches as such
Need to do something abt my speed and time management
Dunno of late QA seems to more time because of which I fall short of time in VA :P
Attempts 53 (16QA 17VA 20DI)
Correct 43
Score 162
I guess VA will be a borderline case cause expect good accuracy in DI and QA, let see
Wow I would any day settle for your speed n accuracys ...awesome score buddy
Total Attempts - 36
Correct - 29
Wrong - 7
Total Score - 109
Got a feeling of attempting cat2009 - almost same difficulty level.
I have added a poll ..
& it starts from 60 .. seeing the scores & the difficulty level of AIM CAT 1107 ..
Hope ... every one agrees ... to it ..
If any thing goes wrong & some body is a maverick here .. then I request the MODS to edit the POLL ... without BANNING me
doing too many wrongs...tomorrow is 1106..then will get a much needed break of 12-14 days approx after 5 mocks in 5 days
paper was good...still can't find where i made 20 mistakes....need to analyze seriously....
one day i will also score a hundred...i promise...