A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned:
A Picture Paints a Thousand Words:
A Piece of Cake:
A Slap on the Wrist:
A Taste Of Your Own Medicine:
A Toss-Up:
So here goes my first list:
Your name is mud.
X marks the spot
used to say where something is located or hidden.Wrench in the works
if some one twist violently or suddenly in work, n ruin a planVicar of bray
A person who changes their beliefs and principles to stay popular with people above themUp to snuff
X marks the spot:
when someone finds something he/she has been looking for.
vibhatidubey SaysSorry,itz not the correct answer.Seek correct one.:cheerio:
used to say where something is located or hidden.
As it was and will ever be
Clear as bell
Level playing field
Come hell or high water
A doubting Thomas
Student of School of Inspired Leadership
Clear as bell-very clear.....example all radio channels are clear as bell
Level playing field-is a concept about fairness, not that each player has an equal chance to succeed, but that they all play by the same set of rules
Come hell or high water- determined to do it even if something is difficult
A doubting Thomas-someone who will refuse to believe something without direct, physical, personal evidence
Source- none other than our very own Google Baba

Tongue in cheek
Rain cats and Dogs
Put on your thinking cap
Full Monty
Put your best foot forward
2nd list:
:thumbsup: Yes-man
:thumbsup: Zero-hour
:thumbsup: Who wears the pants?
:thumbsup: Vale of tears
:thumbsup: Ugly duckling
:cheerio:yes-man : A person of unquestioning obedience
:cheerio:Zero-hour:The time when something important is to begin
:cheerio:Who wears the pants? : The person who wears the pants in a relationship is the dominant person who controls things.
:cheerio:Vale of tears : Earthly sorrows that are to be left behind when one enters heaven
:cheerio:Ugly Duckling : an unattractive or unpromising child who becomes a beautiful or much-admired adult.
1.tread water
2.uncle sam
3.sell down the river
4.rice missionary
5.wet blanket
i will tell meaning in lay_man terms

hope u people will not get annoyed :lookround:
1)Tread water-means to wait for some time in taking action
2)Uncle Sam-Govt of USA is called Uncle Sam

3)Sell down the river- cheating
4) A rice missionary gives food to hungry people as a way of converting them to Christianity Googled

5) Wet Blanket-It means to spoil others fun :P
Next please 😁
A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned:
A Picture Paints a Thousand Words:
A Piece of Cake:
A Slap on the Wrist:
A Taste Of Your Own Medicine:
A Toss-Up:
bellows in india | Expansion joints in chennai
More idioms
1.Tough cookie
2.Under the wire
3.Vicious cycle
4.Warts and all
5.Young turk
1.Tough cookie-A tough cookie is a person who will do anything necessary to achieve what he/she wants.
2.Under the wire-just in time or shortly before the deadline.
3.Vicious cycle-is a complex of events that reinforces itself through a feedback loop.
4.Warts and all-The whole thing; not concealing the less attractive parts. for eg- If you like someone warts and all, you like them with all their faults.
5.Young turk-A Young Turk is a young person who is rebellious and difficult to control in a company, team or organisation.
Source- google baba
More idioms
1.Tough cookie
2.Under the wire
3.Vicious cycle
4.Warts and all
5.Young turk
Tough Cookie: A person who is difficult to deal with.
e.g., My principal was a tough cookie.
Under the wire: doing something at the last possible momeny.
e.g., I wast the last person to reach the examination hall. I just reached just under the wire.
Vicious circle: resolving one problem leads to another problem.
e.g., gambling is a vicious circle.
Warts and all : imperfection or flaw.
e.g., I loved her, warts and all.
Young Turk: a rebellion against authority
e.g., The young turk has barely learnt the ways.
Two from my side:
1. cool one's heels
2. wait on hand and foot
Two from my side:
1. cool one's heels
2. wait on hand and foot
1)It means to wait for someone forcibly .....
2)It means to help or serve some one in every aspect
@Vibha-u will be lay_woman i guess

DMK Vibha

Next please 😁
rahim,veeru n freedom fighter:lookround:
Kindly confirm the answers posted for your idioms are fine.
Absolutely Flawless

More idioms:-->
Words fail me
You wat?
Two left-feet
Tally ho!
P.S:@lay:i request u to give words from ur side as well.
words fail me: be so surprised that you are speechless.
You wat?:

two left feet: to move in a very awkward way when dancing...
swimmingly: going very well
tally ho!: exclamation used while doing something dangerous/difficult.
Few more from my side:
1. in for a penny for about.
2. six feet under the weather.
3. to pay an arm and leg
- double post -
Might as well give some more:
1. bat out of help.
2. over the moon.
3. a mans home is his castle.
- double post -
Might as well give some more:
1. bat out of help.
2. over the moon.
3. a mans home is his castle.
bat out of help-fastly quickly
over the moon.--over joy..
a mans home is his castle.-
You are the boss in your own house and nobody can tell you what to do there. No one can enter your home without your permission
Buy a lemon-to waste money and time on buying useless or worse thing.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth- if you are given something, a present or a chance, you should not waste it by being too critical or examining it too closely.
Elvis has left the building-The show is over
Meaning the show/event has ended, this comes from the announcements that used to be made at the end of musician Elvis's concerts in order to get fans to leave the arena. Now we use this term anytime an event has ended.
Excuse my French:
Please forgive my swearing.
Example Sentences:
A: Hey, do you want a beer?
B: Shut the hell up, Im trying to sleep.
A: That was rude!
B: Excuse my French, Im just in a bad mood.
When I heard that your boyfriend went on a date with your sister, I thought, excuse my French, that he is an *******.
A: Hey, can you turn your music down, Im trying to sleep!
B: **** you, man, Im trying to have a party!
A: Please dont use bad language!
B: Excuse my French, Im drunk
Like a chicken with its head cut off:
In a frenzied manner, distractedly, crazily.
For example, She ran around the station looking for her lost bag like a chicken with its head cut off.
A new set of idioms comes your way
1.Russian roulette
2.Scent blood
4.Touch and go
5.Up the creek
6.Quids in
7.Pup's chance
8.Run out of gas
9.Small beer
10.Third rail
Dus ka tadka:cheerio:

1) Russian roulette:- to take dangerous and unnecessary risks.
2)Scent blood:-you know the every steps of your enemy and you are going to take advantage of it

3)Moot-point:-something that is not accepted by all..still open to discussion.

7)Pup's chance:-no chance
9)Small Beer:-Not important
10)Third rail:-something that is dangerous to change