This thread is to post scores and percentiles and discuss test-taking strategies, doubts, and queries for AIMCAT 2010 [2019].
VARC - 58
LRDI- 59
Quant- 54
Overall- 171
Aimcat 2010 VARC - 11 ( 7/21 ) DILR - 58 ( 20/23 ) QA - 41 (14/17 ) OA- 110 ( 41/61 )
VARC - 48 (17/22) - Felt it was a difficult paper in terms of the closeness of the options. DILR - 57 (19/20) - All about picking the right sets. QA - 31 (11/18) - Major shock. Much needed. Need to revisit this. OA 136
VARC- 50 (Didn't feel comfortable attempting this section) LR DI- 51( Set selection key, should have attempted 3 questn more but wasted time on 1 set) QA-35(started slow, couldn't speed up, need to work on it) OA-136
VARC- 29 Never supportive :(
LRDI- 55 Easy one
QUA-35 Lowest ever I can think :( Btw on little tougher side
OA- 119
Varc-48(need to work on my acuuracy ) Dilr-39(easy sets...need to increase my speed) Quants-38(could have scored 50+...was stuck in wrong question) Overall-125
VARC :- 56 (21C/13W) ..... Need to analyse . Found RCs quite easy except the psycho-law set.
DILR :- 65 (23C/6W) ... Guessed 2 and got a set wrong in a relatively easy DILR . Had a lot of fun solving this tho.
QA :- 47 (17C/10W) ... Have to look into the accuracy . Quite disappointing.
OA :- 168 ( 61C/29W) ... Could have crossed 180
VARC :- 43(16C/9W) 89.06 Accuracy is a big issue here.
DILR: 44 (15C/2W) 90.12
QA: 39 (13C/2W) 94.41
OA: 126 94.59
AIR: 835
VARC (17/32) = 45 ( VA 10% accuracy )
DILR (19/23) = 54
QA (16/18) = 47
OA= (52/73) = 146
VARC - 50(30A/19C) DILR - 56(24A/20C) QA - 51(25A/18C) OA -157
VA - 67
DILR - 60
QA - 44
OA - 171
Was VARC tough?
AIMCAT 2010: VARC: 46 (17C/24A) :| DILR: 72 (24C/24A) :) QA: 41 (15C/25A) :( OA: 159 (56C/73A)
Overall 161
VA/RC__64 LR/DI__54 QUANT__50 O/A__168
VARC 57 (21C, 8 IC): Passages were readable, questions a bit challenging at times. Left all the maximum usage questions in VA.
LRDI 15 (8C, 9 IC): Clusterf**k. Pathetic. Disgraceful. Was almost as easy as the last AIMCAT and managed to screw it royally. Got ALL the TITAs correct and ALL the MCQs incorrect. Might be a first in AIMCAT history. Need to go back and review this one thoroughly. Utterly disappointed.
QA 49 (17C, 2 IC): Was a challenging paper but could have got those two questions correct.
Overall 121(46C, 19 IC): God I'm dying now'u, She's (LRDI) happy how'u?
AIMCAT 2010:
Overall: 124 (44C/62)
VARC: 62 (22C/32)
DILR: 34 (12C/16)
QA: 28 (10C/14) Note to self: What the .....
A mock after a loooong time......!
VARC: 50(29A/18C)..... Felt tricky and tough!
DILR: 78(32A/27C)...... One of the easiest DILRs ever..... All the sets were simple and solvable in under 7-8 mins except for the first one!
QA: 63(30A/22C).... Felt Easy but score tells a different story!
OA: 191..... I'm Back!
VA/RC - 18:(
DI/LR - 55
QA- 24 :(((((
OA- 97