Congratulations on getting a GD/PI call from IIM Lucknow!! Please post all your queries on this official thread. Register here by 26th Jan 23:59 Hrs for Mentor Allocation
Congratulations on getting a GD/PI call from IIM Lucknow!!
Please post all your queries on this official thread.
Register here by 26th Jan 23:59 Hrs for Mentor Allocation
my GD/PI for IIM L is scheduled to be on 8th of march in kolkata,wont it would be possible to change the venue coz it will be clashing with the IIT-B GD/PI schedule???
Hi when I filled in my academic details in the form for IIM Lucknow, I got a message saying the records for my Class X Board examinations donot match with the details which I had entered at the time of CAT registration. This is because I am a student of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and we have an additional subject and a part of that marks is added to our total of 8 subjects and the percentage is calculated accordingly. The marks so obtained is printed on my 10th marksheet given by the board according to which my total marks is 735 out of 800 which is 91.8 %. However this is not in sync with the flat all subject total mentioned on the Lucknow website. Can you suggest if there is anything that needs to be done on my part now? I called up the admissions committee and they said that it was fine. I have my marksheet as proof and have uploaded the same. Will it be alright? Kindly help me out on this
When I fill in my academic marks and upload mark sheets of 10th, 12th and graduation [semester wise] and also upload the proof of work experience and submit the application, it redirects to the same page with all fields blank and an error message at the top saying something like "erroneous file or file type not supported" for the work experience file.
All the files are .jpg except for the proof of work experience, which happens to be a .pdf.
Also all the files are under 500kB.
@ignicion2014 Kindly help me out regarding this.
Hi Seniors,
Andhrapradesh intermediate Board conducts board exams for both the 11th and 12th classes.Do I have to combine them and mention the total against 12th marks in the application as there are 14 papers (tweleve subjects +2practicals) in total?Please answer.
For Work Experience Proof, will the joining letter of the company be enuf?
Does the GDPI process inludes WAT. Where can we get details of the same?
Can someone let me know the tentative dates for interview in different cities? Have to request for change of city since my job posting is likely to shift from delhi to chennai in march...
I have some queries regarding uploading of scanned copies.
I have filled up the online form and uploaded all the documents (which have a cumulative size of 495 kb). But when I click on verify and submit button the page does not respond. And if I remove any document, then the verify button leads me to vacant space (which shows it is working). How can I now submit my form?
Hello sir, regarding the online form submission , I have 2 queries. Kindly help by addressing to it.
Hi, i have question in regards to the work Ex...while filling up the online form..its just a single box but in need to upleod the first and last salary slip of my first and current company and also the experience...How am i suppose to do this with just a single upload doc window..please help..
Hi , i was an entrepreneur for 2 years, what document should i upload to support this?will memorandum of articles be sufficient?
Also i would like to ask what is one suppose to fill in the sub catagory field after the state/union terriotery............
And what is the total marks/Cgpa to entered? If our CG was on a 10 point scale, then 10?
hi! i have a query. do all the documents we upload should not be more than 500kb or each? i have no idea about these things. kindly help.
i have a consolidated mark sheet containing the grades of all the subjects of all the semesters.. it includes the gpa of individual semesters and the final cgpa.. everything in one sheet.. so wat do i do.. just upload the same sheet for all the semesters??