ISEED, a world-class Indian educational institution dedicated to the cause of entrepreneurship. Employing innovative pedagogy, developing dynamic multidisciplinary curriculum, conducting rigorous actionable research, and drawing from rich knowledg…
ISEED, a world-class Indian educational institution dedicated to the cause of entrepreneurship. Employing innovative pedagogy, developing dynamic multidisciplinary curriculum, conducting rigorous actionable research, and drawing from rich knowledge resource from around the globe.
Which is the true iSEED ?
"Indian School for Entrepreneurs & Enterprise Development" or
"International School of Entrepreneurship Education and Development"
Two schools with the same trademark "iSEED"? Stories about both appear in the media at different times. Both located in Gurgaon. Is that possible?
NEW DELHI and GURGAON, August 1, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- - To Offer 1-Year Flagship Post-Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship - Shri K.H. Muniyappa, Hon ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Chief Guest at the Launch iSEED - the Indian School for...
ISEED 1Lakh Prize By Sumir Singh ISEED - International School of Entrepreneurship Education and Development - a unique educational institution offering India s first full time 1-year post-graduate level program in entrepreneurship, has announced the winners of the largest National Youth Ideas...
It's confusing for students thinking to take admission. Info sessions coming up in various places. Who can make clear? Please help. I want to decide
- GS