Dear Prospective Students,We are 2012-2014 batch students of the Public Policy and Management (PGPPM) course at IIM Bangalore and will be more than happy to share our experieces so far and clarify any questions you may have.Quick Summary of th…
We are 2012-2014 batch students of the Public Policy and Management (PGPPM) course at IIM Bangalore and will be more than happy to share our experieces so far and clarify any questions you may have.
Quick Summary of the Course:
The PGPPM course has emerged as the premier public policy programme in India. It is a unique programme designed to strengthen the public policy and managerial skills of future leaders and senior managers from the civil services, and of professionals from Social, Infrastructure and Private sectors.
The course is especially suitable for candidates wanting to work in policy making and public system. It will be of interest to professionals from NGOs, Think Tanks, Public Sector PSUs, Infrastructure and Social sectors. This program will enable them to take up key positions in the fields of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation with International and Indian agencies as well as Consultancy organizations
To find out more details about the course please visit the PGPPM section of the IIMB website at
Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy & Management - 2013-2015 | Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Wish you all the best and looking forward to hear from you all.
Am re-applicant for 2013-15 programme. shortlisted for interview for the 2012-14 programme,but not able to attend the interview due to personal reason. Any scholarship (internal or external) on offer for this programme?
PGPPM 2012 Open Houses will be conducted in four cities across India from November 3 to November 25, 2012. The Open House sessions are a perfect platform to interact with Faculty, meet Students and Alumni, and have all your questions about the programme answered.
1st Open House session will be on 3rd November in IIM Bangalore at 5 pm.
Can you tell me your good name? In open house session you do not need to book your birth for the session. You can join the session. In any case I will check with the office, You will get a mail from the office as well.
PGPPM Open house session is on 3rd November 2012 at IIM Bangalore. Interested participants may join to have clarifications about the programme. Invitation is attached.
course fee mentioned as Rs.9.75 lacs (tutition,library,alumni,computer,books and accomodation) and for family accomodation it has been mentioned as Rs.1.25 lacs.
If a candidate is opting for family accomodation,whether corresponding amount of Rs.1.25 lacs will be deductible under the component of Rs.9.75 lacs?or this 1.25 lacs is extra?
1.25 lacs is extra. This you will need to pay before. However if rooms are available then all candidate gets single accommodation, in this case this amount may be reimbursed as it happened in may case this year. But this is subjected to availability of flats and IIMB discretion.
I am looking forward to apply to this program. However, I do have queries regarding placements statistics for open candidates. I have gone through the brochure,however it is devoid of the required statistics.
Hence, please provide some inputs regarding post PGPPM opportunities,Average and Median Salaries and Alumni Career progression.
The programme was opened for open candidate only 3 years back. Previously, open candidates were from PSUs and they have wend back to their work place. One of them is in SEBI. One of them has started his own ventures name modern family doctor.
Last year batches is the 1st batch who are looking for placement. Some of them has got the job and they are working. After this course you can expect job in consultancy in Government verticals and leading Not for profit organisations.
Since there has not been many candidate and it has recently started for open candidates, hence you will not get any reliable statistics.
Thank you for your insight. It will be great if prospective students can be connected with existing students and Alumni,in my case,preferably from Open Candidate profile.
Since, making a career change in Public Policy domain is a definitive move it will help me to make an informed decision. My only apprehension is existing opportunities post PGPPM and how many candidates have faired well to secure jobs post PGPPM.
I had contributed "Agricultural Policy Briefs" in the State Agri Dept.Fortnight/Monthly Newsletter publications for which I dont have a copy and getting photocopy of all those newsletters is difficult to get from the department at this moment.
Alternatively,I had a personal record of details of Policy briefs,Newsletter Volume No.,Year of publication etc.,
Will admission committee will accept, those gist of policies contributed by me,stating the title of the policy briefs,newsletter Vol.Year of Publication etc., duly certified by the Head of the Department viz.State Additional Director of Agriculture.
Am now working as Independent Agricultural consultant. What proof is acceptable as evidence of my current positionfor the ad-comm?
Moreover, am working as Consultant for two agri-based State public sector organisation,for which I have copy of offer of consultancy awarded by the organisation.Is it OK,to submit that copy as proof of present position/WE?
Further,am also having consultancy assignment in the area of Public -Private Partnership in Agricultural Marketing,for which, the assignment ends only by April 2012.Is it advisable to mention the same in the application form before the end of the assignment period?