They have started sending mails… congratz to all converts… Plz share ur profile CAT/XAT percentile:X:Xii:grad:work ex: interview centre & date specialization applied for:specialization offered:
They have started sending mails.... congratz to all converts...
X: 70.8
Xii: 83.8
grad: 76.14
work ex: 2.5 years
specialization applied for: FT, Finance
specialization offered: PGDM IB
CAT : 97.59
I applied for IB but it was third after PGDM and PGDM-marketing
u ppl got mail in ur spam folder?
CAT-92.76 converted PGDM-IB not joining already converted NMIMS MBA Core 😃 waitlist moves by 1
anyone got call based on XAT score??
Puys..plz share ur profiles and also mention centres from which u appeared for interview and when..will help other anxious waiters 😃
X: 88%
Xii: 88%
grad: 82.3% ( NIT)
work ex: 18 Months
interview centre & date : 6th Feb 2013 (IMT GZB)
specialization applied for: FINANCE
specialization offered: FINANCE ..
Anyone has any idea about concept called 'waitlist' ?
Has anyone got a convert through XAT score??
Guys please mention the interview city along with call.
Crap. Why not just bloody declare a list . Now only those who'll be selected will get a mail . No one wud know whether they r waitlisted or rejected . And if they r waitlisted , then at wat number . The same stuff happened last year too. Why dont these guys learn
PGDM(Finance)..speechless me will be enough..just crying..:):)thank you GOD..