Hey guys here’s the Christ MP discussion thread. Pick up any topic and just state 5-6 very valid points on the same as we only have to speak for 90 secs, so don’t make it long and lengthy as an essay.
Hey guys here's the Christ MP discussion thread. Pick up any topic and just state 5-6 very valid points on the same as we only have to speak for 90 secs, so don't make it long and lengthy as an essay.
@vitsmayank said:@joeyO_O dear, i think its better to post one topic every day... warna to bhasad mach jayegi
I understand your concern, but I think your forgetting that we don't have 75 days in hand
@joeyO_O said:I understand your concern, but I think your forgetting that we don't have 75 days in hand
lets take 2 or 3 a day then, chronologically :)
@vitsmayank said:lets take 2 or 3 a day then, chronologically
I think @Dimp09 is right...Minimum 4-5 topics a day...Not a big deal...Just 5-6 points that's all...Starting today morning itself....not right now please
@joeyO_O said:I think @Dimp09 is right...Minimum 4-5 topics a day...Not a big deal...Just 5-6 points that's all...Starting today morning itself....not right now please
oh yeah sure,,.. but call them others also.. tag them here if you know their names..
@Dimp09 said:@joeyO_O just select some common time for discussion
why common time yaar... just post the topic and the puys will add on their relevant points..
@vitsmayank said:oh yeah sure,,.. but call them others also.. tag them here if you know their names..
Yeah ...Just pass the message along them ...So they might know too about this thread
@Dimp09 said:@joeyO_O just select some common time for discussion
@vitsmayank is right, there can never be a common time other than late nights when all the people are online. Its better if people just take up a topic and give their opinion and others will add if necessary.
@Dimp09 said:@vitsmayank that will become boring . it will be helpful if we discuss together
It wont be boring that's for sure, but yes at times it may become confusing as the topics might get repeated. Lets hope we can avoid that
@Dimp09 said:@joeyO_O ok then lets start from tomorrow itself
I think you meant from today itself :P
And one more thing, lets pick up the difficult ones at first, those socio-politically economic centered ones for example Topic No.17.....
And one more thing, lets pick up the difficult ones at first, those socio-politically economic centered ones for example Topic No.17.....
@Dimp09 : Ok...so from today...Lets all pick up one topic that we don't know at all or know the least, google it up, make some points and discuss.
hey r u topics out 4 MP?? as i cud'nt find it in the site..