Dear Puys welcome to season 2011!! Lets use this thread to share the GI experiences at SPJIMR. :: Please post your experience in the following format : CALL Details : Specialization | Profile based call/Score based call A…
Dear Puys welcome to season 2011!!
Lets use this thread to share the GI experiences at SPJIMR.
Please post your experience in the following format :
CALL Details : Specialization | Profile based call/Score based call
Undergrad Major - GPA/%age
NIL/Sector - Number of Years
Exam score (whichever is applicable)
CAT %ile:
XAT %ile:
GMAT Score:
Any other special thing about u:
Number of People present:
Brief Snapshot of Discussion:
Other Details:
Number of People present:
Brief Snapshot of Discussion:
Other Details:
Psychometric Test
Your experience of the test :
Any suggestions for others :
No. of Questions & time given :
Any thing else about the test :
Any other relevant detail.
1. Kindly do not post anything except your GI experiences.
2. For appreciating an interview post use thank button, or if you want to say more, use PM.
2008 Experiences thread
2009 Experiences thread
2010 Experiences thread
All the best
i heard there was a informal GD before the GI began.
also could you setup a poll (like i've seen in previous years' GI threads) of how many people made it into GI round 2 and what specialization they picked. i don't know if i make sense, but the previous years' threads have it
come on puys, no GI experiences till now..?? dilli wale.. kya kar rahe hon aap log..
@roni.. AFAIK interviews are in mumbai today
people come on post your experiences
my mistake then, apologies...
No reply uptill now?is there another thread going?
this is the only one i can see.
maybe people are shy 😛 or recovering from their session today.
are they two rounds of GI ? I was under the assumption there would be one GI and one PI- the psychometric test analysis.
I think we have been spamming on this thread.. 😃 no GI exp and so many queries around :)
Plz keep the queries on the queries thread, the one which is being used after the score based calls were declared.
Lets keep this thread clean and meant only for exp.
We can use PM for specific queries. 😃
harshadsunil Saysi heard there was a informal GD before the GI began.
r u sure about that????
CALL Details : Specialization-Ops | Profile based call
Undergrad Major - 80.5
Work-Ex-20 months
NIL/Sector - Oil & gas.
Exam score
XAT %ile:98%ile
Any other special thing about u:Everyone is special
Number of People present:2 faculty and one alumni
Time:11 am
Questions:introduce with things not written in profile sheet.
Brief Snapshot of Discussion:As Hr of a company what to do if majority wants a particular trait but seats are limited. How to keep everyone happy.
Other Details:You won't get max 2-3 chances only to speak.
Be professional in answering.Faculty is chill but they are observing everything.
They asked about campus and one guy said it is happening. P3 said"yes,must be coz of gals with a smile."That guy said yes sir and everyone laughed.Except that guy everyone else got selected in GI-1
Number of People present:2
Time:40 min
Questions:opinion based
Brief Snapshot of Discussion:opinions and psychometric test questions.
Other Details:GI-2 May not be the final round.Don't know exactly and please do not try speculating anything
Psychometric Test
Better not to discuss.Go with open mind.Ya,make sure to finish on time.
PS-Visit the campus properly.It is small but very nice.
PS2-Amit n Shradha will be there to help, do thank them.:cheerio:
CALL Details : Specialization-Ops | Profile based call
Undergrad Major - 80.5
Work-Ex-20 months
NIL/Sector - Oil & gas.
Exam score
XAT %ile:98%ile
Any other special thing about u:Everyone is special
Number of People present:2 faculty and one alumni
Time:11 am
Questions:introduce with things not written in profile sheet.
Brief Snapshot of Discussion:As Hr of a company what to do if majority wants a particular trait but seats are limited. How to keep everyone happy.
Other Details:You won't get max 2-3 chances only to speak.
Be professional in answering.Faculty is chill but they are observing everything.
They asked about campus and one guy said it is happening. P3 said"yes,must be coz of gals with a smile."That guy said yes sir and everyone laughed.Except that guy everyone else got selected in GI-1
Number of People present:2
Time:40 min
Questions:opinion based
Brief Snapshot of Discussion:opinions and psychometric test questions.
Other Details:GI-2 May not be the final round.Don't know exactly and please do not try speculating anything
Psychometric Test
Better not to discuss.Go with open mind.Ya,make sure to finish on time.
PS-Visit the campus properly.It is small but very nice.
PS2-Amit n Shradha will be there to help, do thank them.:cheerio:
pardon i failed to understand d topic of ur gd..... plz elaborate once again about it...n most importantly how it went
CALL Details : Marketing | Score based call
X: 90%
XII: 89.33%
Undergrad Major - 8.0/10.0
Work-Ex :- nil
Exam score (whichever is applicable)
CAT %ile: 97.92
Any other special thing about u:
GI-1 Mumbai
Number of People present: 3 in the panel
7 candidates(All except me with work ex)
Time:12pm slot
Questions: Describe about yourself...then further questions based on introduction of each candidate.
Brief Snapshot of Discussion:
The panel was pretty chilled out. Everyone was asked to introduce yourself. It included details about yourself, acads, work ex if applicable,etc
The candidates with whom I gave the interview were a class apart...there was a guy who had his own NGO..then another girl who had her 2 startups and presently she was working in one of them..others had work ex of atleast 20 months...questions were mostly based on their work ex...I was asked about my extra-currics and why I want to do an MBA as a fresher...and Why guy was even asked whether Steel could be marketed
Other Details:
only one guy got eliminated( phew!!!!:cheerio: luckily it wasn't me )
Number of People present: 2 in the panel...5 candidates..again I was the only one without work ex
Tell me about yourself
Brief Snapshot of Discussion:
Pretty much the similar one for me...again was asked why marketing and why MBA...others were asked detail questions about their jobs, etc
Other Details:basically, less questions were asked to me the end...each one had to nominate one person whom they think should be selected.
Psychometric Test
Your experience of the test : decent.
Any suggestions for others :solve it quickly. less time.
No. of Questions & time given :30 questions
Any thing else about the test :
Any other relevant detail : The whole process is well organized by their students itself.They are very helpful and co-operative. So just go there with a calm and peaceful mind.
i guess they are not rejecting many guys in the firsr interview.....thats a good news...:cheerio:
hi tejas did they verify the extra curricular certificates..
Hey guys, wanted to post earlier, but was stuck with some work.. anyways, better late than never
SP jain is a chilled place with chilled out faculty. Here's a peek....
CALL Details : Specialization - Fin|Score based call
X: 86
XII: 80
Undergrad Major - GPA/%age 93
Work-Ex 17 months
Sector - Machinery trade
Exam score (whichever is applicable)
CAT %ile: 99.23
XAT %ile:98.43
Any other special thing about u: Certified 2/officer in merchant navy
Number of People present: 7
Time: 30 mins
1. Leisure time activites
2. Brief discussion on growing years
3. Alternate graduation stream
Brief Snapshot of Discussion: Calm, everyone getting enough air time, no MBA kind of questions !
Other Details: One guy eliminated, who was talking about his engineering course in his hobbies
Number of People present: 5
Time: 40 mins
Describe strenghts, weakness, your self, hobbies, growing up years.
Discussion about the psychometry sheets we had filled
Brief Snapshot of Discussion: some got a chance to defend their weaknesses while others dint.
Other Details:Again, no why finance, why mba, no fin terms !!
Psychometric Test
Your experience of the test : Nothing to think about, its like asking for frank opinions
Any suggestions for others : think consistently, read wordings carefully so you dont misunderstand suggested meaning
No. of Questions & time given : 30 Q, 15 mins
Any thing else about the test : not really
Any other relevant detail: Campus is way inside yaar.. no one knows it as SP jain, everyone knows it as Bhavans college. No essay, no GD.
Verdict : In one month 😃
not at all..but its always to keep them handy... 😃
few querries
1.are we suppose to submit Photos? much time the entire process last?
Anyone from morning slot? How much time before the reporting time did u reach? 2 hrs?