Hey guyss merit and 1st waiting lists of sitm r out… Post ur results here with ur snap scores so dat it wib be useful for otherz… Also,If ur a fresher or a work-ex… get ur results here http://sitm.ac.in/FinalList2010.htm
Hey guyss merit and 1st waiting lists of sitm r out..
Post ur results here with ur snap scores so dat it wib be useful for otherz....
Also,If ur a fresher or a work-ex..
get ur results here
My first convert SITM!!!!!!

waiting list 28 ,,.,,gd score in cat too,.,thats the only reason that i haven't lost hope,.,
siib gave me a blunt status of w-214,.,atleast sitm did better
Am in toooo
I have made it too :)
Got jolts from scmhrd and siib.....siib slapped wit a waiting list of 263...
I lost hope... I opened da site...opened da page waiting list 1st and looked 4 my name...was disappointed not to find it der... N i glanced merit list and whooopieee!! am shokd and happy.......
congrats to all u guys dudes,,,
1more thing... all da people in da waiting list WILL be in.... coz generally der wud 2 or 3 waiting lists given after diz...so all guys whoz name is in sitm website today are in ...definitely..!!!
Hi Sharath, may god bless you and you get all what you deserve. Are you sure that even the Open category candidates in today's list would also be in? Has it been the trend in the past years that all on the first wait list get converted? I am WL number 29 in Systems and Finance and want to convert it like anything.
hi puys
plz thro sm light on Waitlist movement sc categry for past 2 yrs?
@patriot... you are in buddy,,, not only sitm..any institute gives 2 or 3 waiting lists bro....I ges der wer 3 waiting lists for sitm last year..correct me if iam wrong...so pukka all guys in dis list are in...1st thng all merit list candidates donot join off,,,and even if few of dem cancel deir seats...waitng list candidates start geting a chance...and most of dem in waiting list go for sum othr insti by den..so i think evry1 in waiting list will make it to merit....
correct me anyone if iam wrong,,,diz is only my analysis...
as far as iam concerned,,,, i gave my irma interview and if i getta call from irma... i wud leave sitm n goto irma... i gezz same will be da case wit many others who myt be having other calls too...
I m in waiting list def cat 2nd...shall i make it...
do SITM waiting list are in order...I don't think so...may be i m wrong....but if tht would be in then their would be numbering on it..like merit list people ...and they would have put like this on their site" those who will be clearing the first waiting list would be informed on 26 th march" on the contrary Sitm has put "first waiting list would be on 26th march",,,,someone plz help...wht should we mean it...
amitdubey SaysI m in waiting list def cat 2nd...shall i make it...
U hopefully will dude....
well.. since da last date for payment of fee for merit list students is 24th march, da ppl who dont pay da fee dat day are cancelled and based on da number off cancellations, waiting list guys are given final calls... so da list of ppl who made it to final call from waiting list wud b out on 26th march( I think...not sure..not official newz)
sharathchand Sayswell.. since da last date for payment of fee for merit list students is 24th march, da ppl who dint pay da fee dat day are cancelled and based on da number off cancellations, waiting list guys are given final calls... so da list of ppl who made it to final call from waiting list wud b out on 26th march( I think...not sure..not official newz)
I too have the same opinion....lets some senior put some light on this..thanks buddy n congro for call
I think its a very short wait list compared to siib..so may b every1 in it will make it
@patriot... you are in buddy,,, not only sitm..any institute gives 2 or 3 waiting lists bro....I ges der wer 3 waiting lists for sitm last year..correct me if iam wrong...so pukka all guys in dis list are in...1st thng all merit list candidates donot join off,,,and even if few of dem cancel deir seats...waitng list candidates start geting a chance...and most of dem in waiting list go for sum othr insti by den..so i think evry1 in waiting list will make it to merit....
correct me anyone if iam wrong,,,diz is only my analysis...
as far as iam concerned,,,, i gave my irma interview and if i getta call from irma... i wud leave sitm n goto irma... i gezz same will be da case wit many others who myt be having other calls too...
But do u think scenario will be same , wid so much uncertainty in CAT results and with its delay , will people want to cross that date of 24th march
hmmm...I think diz is a waiting game...NMAT results wud b out tomorrow.. other merit lists wil also b out by 24th(most of dem atleast )...
Im in too! Marketing and Finance...First convert of the season But as for the 24th March last date for payment, it ll be tough to decide as CAT results have been declared so late and the game of calls begins all over again!
hii is the waiting list in order..... ny chances of it being cleared