Hi Everyone. I couldn’t find a thread dedicated to the GD/PI Experiences of all ye puys for IIM Indore this year, and hence this one. Please post your experiences here, and a reading of the panel that interviewed you. Don’t forget to mention …
Hi Everyone.
I couldn't find a thread dedicated to the GD/PI Experiences of all ye puys for IIM Indore this year, and hence this one. Please post your experiences here, and a reading of the panel that interviewed you. Don't forget to mention your background, interview date and place. Cheers !
dont u think there is still some time before tht?
the first interview is on Feb 12th in Hyderabad...if i am not wrong?
...and that happens to be mine!:D

With days to go before the interviews start, opening up a thread ain't helping anyone coz
1. This may lead to spamming with good luck nd other such messages
2. This may also lead to opening of multiple threads as by 12th, when the interviews actually start, this thread might be lying dormant way beyond the first page
another point to be taken care of is, if you are opening up a new thread for sharing the GD/PI experiences of a college, then do paste that link at the earlier thread for the GD/PI related discussions so as to make others aware of the thread.
hoping that the respected puy community doesn't commit such mistakes in future...

P.S. - moi pasting this link @ IIM I thread.
IIM Indore Mentorship site says they started way back - i.e. Jan 31st in Hyd.
A query to puys based in bangalore. Where can I get the copies of my marksheets attested?
Also, I believe IIM Indore is the only IIM which wants attested copies. Am I correct?
Please reply soon as my interview is on this friday.
I got mine attested by a Gazetted Officer.
I think your college princi should do as well.
A query to puys based in bangalore. Where can I get the copies of my marksheets attested?
Also, I believe IIM Indore is the only IIM which wants attested copies. Am I correct?
Please reply soon as my interview is on this friday.
IIM Bangalore also asks for attested copies..
K & L dont ask
i dont know about A & C

come on puys!!this is not d right place to discuss bout this...........
there r many threads on gd-pi related queries..........throw in ur doubts out there............
A query to puys based in bangalore. Where can I get the copies of my marksheets attested?
Also, I believe IIM Indore is the only IIM which wants attested copies. Am I correct?
Please reply soon as my interview is on this friday.
Puys I don't intend to spam but I wan't to answer this query. I know I can use PM but then maybe my reply may help other puys as well :)
I got it attested at the RTO today. It's in the BDA complex, Indiranagar, Bangalore. U can get it attested at any Public Bank near your place.
And yeah only IIM Indore needs attested copies from gazetted officers.
For IIM Bangalore, u can self-attest as you have to attest not only the mark-sheets but also the extra-curric and all other certificates and I guess U can't ask a gazetted officer to attest 50+ photocopies. At least this is what I have read in the IIMB thread.
I hope puys with a call from IIM Indore will start posting their experiences soon. Mine is on 13th feb 😃
Hi fellas,
My first IIM interview of the season.. I hope this experiences helps all u puys...
Quant :99.51
Verbal :99.61
Any other special thing abt u:
Played chess at district and state level competitions. Lotsa co-curr. like NTSE scholarship.
Topic: It was a case study about a certain fella called Mohan. He is thinking about how toy market is being taken over by chinese toys and Then thinks about how his Kiryana store is losing out to Big MNC retailer who is selling at much cheaper rates.. Lotsa trivial details about the locality he operates in, the kinda ppl there. niche stuff his store offers, personal attachments with clients etc. can his bussiness survive? wat should he do?
The entire A4 sheet was filled with wierd figures.
Number of Ppl present: Strangely my panel was the smallest, just 6 candidates, sitting on a U shaped table, 2 each on each of the sides.
Time: 5 min to read, 12 min discussion, 5 min to write summary.
Brief Snapshot of Discussion: Panel shouts start, 15 seconds gone and no one is willing to start. Finally i decide to bite the bullet and take the plunge. Over all an extremely civilized gd, full of sorries and thank you's.
gr8 in deapth discussion, gave points like maybe it a short time attraction. started lookin at the profile of the consumers and maybe he can bank on oldies as they might not go. I gave point about diversification, like mobile recharges, ticket bookings. discussed about supply chain on MNC. gave the idea that kiryana stores of the areas should come together and try improving the supply chain. also tried to put in political lobbying.
Overall a healthy discussion and even with a smaller group, we ran out of time, while the other larger group ended up finishin before their time.
Then we were asked to wait outside and names for PI would be called at random. As luck would have it I was the first to interviewed by the panel. It seemed they took 10-15 min before actually callin me.
Panel Members Intro: there were 2 members, the fair lady with a smile and a young prof.
FL: tell me something about yourself.
moi: blah blah... 2 min non stop. she pays no attention. I ask: Is there anything specific you would want to know
FL: Tell me somethin other then the things you have written in the form. wat else do u do?
moi: read archer
FL: N wat else?
moi: love to travel
FL: wat else!!
moi: is there something specific you want to know?
FL: ur passion?
moi: guitar!! n MBA.
FL gives a sarcastic look, moves on
FL looks at my certis: u have read HR, tell me abt it
moi: blah blah . look happy of knowing i toppe this course.
FL: give an index which measures the quality of ppl in a country.
moi: not sure...
FL: Human developement index. tell me how its calculated.
moi: blah blah.. not satisfied
FL: so Chess, how would that help u in b-skool?
moi: somethin about stratergy.. business is like chess. panel completely poker faced on this reply.
FL: there is IT job cuts and change in variable pay in most IT companies, explain how it is calculated in wipro/infy..
moi : give a detailed analysis of QPLC in wipro.
FL: do u follow politics, talk about indo-US nuclear deal and should india sign it?
moi: hyde act, 123 agreement, i feel india has more to gain, should sign
FL: why is the deal not signed yet?
moi: politics, CPM, soveriegnity.. seemed happy with my responses.....
FL to YP: u ask... to me :show me ur file.
YP: why mba?
moi: BLAH!!
YP: but u r technically good continue workin in this field.
moi: to fulfil me ambition....
YP: fav subject?
moi: C programmin..
YP: diff b/w c and java?
moi: c, denise ritchie made, middle level...
java, James gosling.. internet..the stuff on the first chap of java complete reference..
YP: is java fully objec oriented?
moi: no, wrapper classes, existence of int...
YP: wat would be the characteristics of a fully Object oriented language.
moi: told.
YP: name a fully object oriented programmin language?
moi: does'nt strike a chord..
FL: u r a BAJAJ, tell me wat Bajaj's have dont in India!!
moi: lotsa jobs, commutation for middle class, patents like DTSI
YP : tell me about DTSI...
moi:nervous:: dual somethin spark igni@#@!
YP: you have so many softwares comin into engines, how do they improve performance?
Moi : control when engine fires, when fuel maybe injected, micro controllers, blah..
YP : how would engine ignition timing effect?
moi: from wat i know, an ideal injection would probably help in max utilization of fuel, power, somethin... although i have not studies/worked on it, so dont have much idea.
FL: smiles and says thats it, YP scratches his nose. Knight in shining armour leave the castle to tell his horrifyin stories outside..
:sleepy: In the hindsight, i feel a really gud GD/case study where i threw a lot of ideas for discussion helped gave me some advantage. blabbered a lot in the interview, lotsa monologues. It seemed that the panel was enjoyin takin the interview. should have prepared the Bajaj question .. Overall no complaints.. Nothin about wat i do, no question abt strength n weaknesses, maybe i wrote a little to well in my form, maybe i wrote a little too illegibly to be read.
just keepin my fingers crossed.
Verdict: Selected.
:sleepy: In the hindsight, i feel a really gud GD/case study where i threw a lot of ideas for discussion helped gave me some advantage. blabbered a lot in the interview, lotsa monologues. It seemed that the panel was enjoyin takin the interview. should have prepared the Bajaj question .. Overall no complaints.. Nothin about wat i do, no question abt strength n weaknesses, maybe i wrote a little to well in my form, maybe i wrote a little too illegibly to be read.
just keepin my fingers crossed.
Thanks for sharing your exprience buddy...were others also having such pi's or were they acad oriented ?..thanks
Hello People,
Today was my first GD/PI.
X : 73.3(State Board)
XII:70 (State Board)
Undergrad Major - GPA/%age : JSS Noida , 67.62%
Work-Ex: Infosys, 29 months.
CAT %ile:
DI :97.41
Quant :98.02
Verbal :99.47
Topic: It was a case study about a certain fella called Mohan. He is thinking about how his Kiryana store is losing out to Big MNC retailer who is selling at much cheaper rates.. Lotsa trivial details about the locality he operates in, the kinda ppl there. niche stuff his store offers, personal attachments with clients etc. can his bussiness survive? wat should he do?
Number of Ppl present: 8 candidates, sitting on a U shaped table.
Tme: 5 min to read, 16min discussion, 5 min to write summary.
Brief Snapshot of Discussion: Panel shouts start, I started the GD by trying to give it a structured manner. It was well accepted by the group. Discussed so many points,got plenty of time to speak. Entered 8-9 times with good points and in the end summerised also.
Overall a healthy discussion,got plenty of air time to speak. Satisfied with my performance.
I was the second one to be interviwed. pannel P1,P2 and Me.
P1: So U r from xxxx college,
Me:Yes Sir
P1:It's in this sector xx na..
Me:(he knows bout my college gr Yes sir
P1:So u r from UP,name few prime ministers from UP.
Me:Jawahar lal nehru,Indira Gandhi,Lal Bahdur Shastri,V.P. Singh,Rajiv Gandhi,A.B. Bajpayee,Charan Singh,n I think Morar ji desai also..
P1; to P2(Nod): Ok
P1:So u r 2nd rank holder in national level quiz organised by RSS. What si RSS.
Me: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.
P2: Ohhh..So u support BJP?
Me: No Sir, I do not support any political party as such. I will vote for the party who has done well for people of INDIA.like education,jobs,infrastructure etc...
P1:(Seems Satisfied)Ok
So U try to divulge in too many things at a time,could you explain?
Me:Sir when I am working and my friend tells me about ant interseting article on net,i try to take 5 mins out of my work and want to have a look at that.this happens frequently so i envolve myself in so many things.
P1:Which sites u surf..
P1:Any social networking site?
ME blah blah..'
(P1,P2 seems satisfied)
P2:Ur comment on social networking sites?
Me:Blah Blah..
P1: U r in ur secomd job,why did u leave ur first one?
Me: Wanted to move into IT gave reasons also.
P1:Ur automation testing was not 100% success,who's fault was that?
Me:It was a team effort and some thing blah blah..
In the mean time P2 is going thru my docs,and P1 asks P2 for the questions..
P2:So u r a mechanical engineer,Tell me how to join 2 metals.One is welding second one?
Me:(U have already answered that the only one i knew..) No idea
P2:Super conductors?
Me:(Please come out of Material science,i dont know) I have heard this term but cant recall
P2:Semi conductors?
Me:(Yes Yes finally some thing) some blah blah..
P2:what do u call the electron vacancy in P type?
P2:Now i will make a statement and u have to support it or negate it,Ok?
Me Yes Sir
P2:U loose focus..mech to It to MBA.
Me:Some blah blah again..CRM comes up from some where
P1:what is ur work in CRM
P2:So watching wrestling is ur hobby
Me:Yes sir
P2:who is khali.
P2:wht he used to do b4 this.
Me:He was a bodyguard for a business man in US.
P2 to P1 :was he..
P1:tell me which company u like most in mech n y?
Me:(ab ye kahan se bataon..can i go?)L&T;
P1: Y?
me:Some blah blah..
P1 to p2..do u wanna ask anything else?
P1:U may go now...
Me:Thank u sir
So no tell me about urself,why MBA,no current affairs.
Don't know how was my interview but if i would have explained that loos focus wala qstn in better manner(if i wouldn't have cut short by CRM),i would have been in better postion.
Over all firts one of the season went ok.
GD was excellent,PI was not a disaster but ok,so lets hope for the best.
All the best for puys.
Next is L on 22nd so "AANE DO"
Hello People,
Today was my first GD/PI.
X : 73.3(State Board)
XII:70 (State Board)
Undergrad Major - GPA/%age : JSS Noida , 67.62%
Work-Ex: Infosys, 29 months.
CAT %ile:
DI :97.41
Quant :98.02
Verbal :99.47
Over all firts one of the season went ok.
GD was excellent,PI was not a disaster but ok,so lets hope for the best.
All the best for puys.
Next is L on 22nd so "AANE DO"
Thank you sir....were others being grilled on thei acads especially ppl with >1 yr workex?????
comingback2life SaysThank you sir....were others being grilled on thei acads especially ppl with >1 yr workex?????
I don't think the pannel was interested in asking acads.they did not ask me.neither to the guy who went b4 me.
My second IIM gd/pi this year.
X : 88.17 % (ICSE)
XII:93 (TN State Board)
Undergrad Major - GPA/%age : NIT Trichy 7.06%
Work-Ex: IT company (7 months)
CAT %ile:
DI :93.13
Quant :97.73
Verbal :99.91
Topic: It was about Dilip, a guy with good values. His company indulges in an unethical practice of differential pricing. When he raises an objection, the boss gets angry. So what should Dilip do? Should he risk losing his job, or be okay with the unethical practice?
Number of Ppl present: 8 candidates.
Tme: 5 min to read, 16min discussion, 5 min to write summary.
Another peaceful gd . So dint have much of a problem in contributing though I wonder how good the points were.
I was the 7th person to be interviewed.. a long long wait :sleepy:
Anyways.. there were 2 people.. one who asked technical questions (p1) and the other who asked general questions (p2).
I am just posting the questions so that people can get an idea
p1: Tell me about your current job responsibilities; the technology that you work on. What kind of code changes do you make? (since i am doing maintenance work).
p1: What is your favorite subject?
me: DBMS.
p1: what is DBMS? Draw a flowchart to show how a DBMS works. What is a file manager? What is a query language? Name the various query languages. What is relational algebra? What is tuple relational calculus?
me: (I could answer most of them but not with the fluency with which I would have answered it last year had I been questioned on the same)
p1: What are your other favorite subjects?
me: Data structures and algorithms.
p1: What is sorting? What are the various sorting algorithms? Explain heap sort. Compare heap sort and quick sort. Derive the running time of heap sort algorithm. What are the various searching algorithms that you know? Wat search algorithm do we use wen we look up a word in the dictionary?
me: (the same problem as above)
p1: asks p2 to take over..
p2: what is meta searching? What is bittorent? How does it work? What is limewire? What is myspace? What is a social networking site? What are the search engines that you have used? How do you search only for ppts or only for docs? How do you modify your search to get results only from .edu sites? Have you tried advanced search? How are binary operators used in search queries?
me: ( knew some.. He asked how come the DBMS expert does not know about the advanced search options. I could only smile about the joke that he cracked )
p2: you read books on history? (had mentioned it in the form). What are the books that you have read?
me: (mentioned about the soviet union and world war).
p2: What is the full name of lenin? Who was stalin? What was the Bolshevik revolution? Why haven't you read about indian history? Not interested?
me: (Told him about how it was covered in school )
p2: Oh you are from madurai.. What about the colour TV scheme? Is it good for the people?
me: No......
p2: Ok.. thank you..
That was it..took 20-25 min. Not ready to comment on it after my exp last year . Should wait till april to find out.
Everyone in my panel was grilled on acads.. even ppl with 2+ work exp.
All the best to all.
puys in the interview when the panel finally asks us if we have any questions for them... wat can we ask them... can u suggest some questions...
muru_chn Sayspuys in the interview when the panel finally asks us if we have any questions for them... wat can we ask them... can u suggest some questions...
It's better if you ask such questions in the "GD/PI Queries" threads. Let this thread be purely for GD/PI experiences.
Anyway coming to your query..you can always ask about the entrepreneurship cells at that particular college, it's tie-ups with international B-schools for a fellow exchange program, etc.
We have to write a summary??? I didn't know that!!!