Managing time means managing yourself to begin with… WIKI defines time management as, "An act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness,…
Managing time means managing yourself to begin with…
WIKI defines time management as, “An act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.”
Here, we have summed up a list of 10 tips that you should follow to manage your time...
10 Tips and Tricks to Manage Your Time
1) Create a to-do list: a) Make a list of things you need to complete during the day b) Assign tasks if required
2) Set realistic goals & follow your plan a) Focus on the goals you have set for yourself b) Prioritize your tasks c) Set long and short term goals both at the same time
3) Create a planner (daily/ weekly / monthly) a) Take a calendar, pin it up on your study table and mark your important dates (submission dates/ due date etc.) b) At the end of the day tick of the tasks that you were required to do as per your plan
4) Be focused / Have a vision a) Have a positive attitude towards life and work b) Have a clarity on what is important to you c) Know where you are heading in life/ career
5) Limit your distractions: a) Switch off your phone or put it on silent mode. Even a 5 minute phone call conversation by a friend can be very distraction for someone who is working with great concentration.
6) Take small breaks: a) Take short term breaks for tea/ coffee etc. Even in those short breaks that you take, avoid talking on the phone. b) Take a walk in the lawn outside your house and enjoy Mother Nature.
b) Avoid watching T.V, video games in that break, if the need be take a power nap and refresh yourself
7) Get 6-8 hours of sleep: a) A good sleep is a sign of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle can improve your focus and concentration. Hence increases efficiency. b) Avoid late nights, go to bed on time.
8) Schedule time for yourself: a) Take out time for exercise, relaxation, and Socializing. b) Plan a list of activities, that you would love to do in your free time
9) Maintain Work-Life Balance: a) Know where to draw a line (extreme of anything is unhealthy) b) spend time with family/ friends
10) A-B-C Analysis a) follow this theory b) Mark your to-do list in the, b and c format. “a” being the highest
Time management is becoming increasingly important, yet it seems to be extremely difficult to manage it. Time management is essential in every field of life. A very single moment which passed once will never come back; make the most of that particular time. Time management helps you do your task in time and utilize your time more productively. It helps you to identify the useless activities which can be avoided and time can be saved. It helps you give proper time to a task and perform the task more efficiently.
Manage your time, don't let it manage you!!!