1 year mba program in india

I know the very first thing that comes to people’s mind after getting a decent GMAT score is ISB in INDIA…but with 20 lacs of fees , is it really justifiable ??.. Guess what , there are really better and lucrative options too… Lets follo…

I know the very first thing that comes to people's mind after getting a decent GMAT score is ISB in INDIA..but with 20 lacs of fees , is it really justifiable ??...
Guess what , there are really better and lucrative options too...
Lets follow this discussion to a consensus

Can some one jot down a list of B Schools in India that offer 1 year full time MBA?

My two cents on it: A fee of 20 lacs and a MBA from ISB is ones personal decision. As long as you know what you want out of an MBA whether you pay 5lacs or 20 it really does not matter. But I would definitely say that looking at an MBA as a means of winning a jackpot which will get you a job with an astrnomical salary does not work these days.
Some of the B schools offering one year MBA are:

  1. SP Jain Mumbai
  2. XLRI
  3. IIM A,B,C, I and L
  4. Great Lakes
  5. IMT Ghaziabad

See...when you select a college , you don't need always have to look at its core specialty or placement statistics.A good planner will always balance the odds (SWOT) and look at it with a different perspective.
I'm here addressing a bigger mass of people , ppl who finance their MBA through loans...now for a post experience MBA .. the opportunity cost also has the factor of earning income in it...
Now consider a situation , where one fella goes to ISB with 20 lacs fees and another goes to IIM Cal(Special Course) with 4.5 lacs fees... so to make a more optimistic analysis ...lets assume that ISB fella get a 18 lac job(pretty much one of the best paying offer , there) and the IIM fellas gets a 14 lac job (a very easily possible offer) ...so for the next 5 years they both might pay the loan amount .. only thing is that the IIM guy would afford to own a car , house and plenty more things ... where the ISB guys would strive to get the slack only by the end of the 5 years
For ppl who understand that MBA at this stage means a lot of things like....marriage...parent's retirement...siblings' marriage...should understand that there's a lot to it even beneath the surface

Hope the word reaches the foresighted human beings.

@ podoustad ............ which special course of IIM C you are talking 'bout. Please get your figures correct. The 2 yr courses at IIMs costs 10 L for I, K and 13 L for A, B. For C & L, I'm not sure but it won't be less than 10. One yr courses costs more than 15 L. So the life after MBA will be more or less same for IIM and ISB grads if u consider one more yr of earning (hence loan will be repaid one yr earlier ) in case of ISB grads

Buddy , you'r so ignorant ...you think IIMs have only 2 year program... huhh
there are PGPs,EPGPs,FPMs and especially IIM Kol has VLM.... and yes it has the fees I said about..

But never mind , you might have missed my last line : "Hope the word reaches the foresighted human beings."

Mind your language podoustad. Seems you are new in PG. Before applying to any of these programs you need improve on two parameters -

1. reading comprehensions ....... u should not miss intermediate lines. In my posts while discussing 'bout IIMs I have clearly mentioned "One year courses cost more than 15 L" - This is what is called EPGP and PGP is the regular 2 yr program. No idea if anyone with a 6/6 (with or without spec) vision can miss it. Cost wise IIM EPGP and ISB are more or less similar. Now FPM. Well I don't think any sensible person can compare FPM with 1 or 2 yr programs. FPMs are meant for entirely different purpose. Please understand the purpose. You will be grilled on this during interview.

2. mathematics (addition, subtraction etc) .... Regarding PGPEX-VLM, this is what I found from IIMC site.

  1. On admission confirmation - Rs 50,000
  2. 1st installment - Rs 300,000
  3. 2nd installment - Rs 150,000
  4. 3rd installment - Rs 150,000
  5. 4th installment - Rs 50,000
Source : PGPEX-VLM - FAQs
I seriously couldn't understand how this sum can be 4.5 L????????? As per my addition it is coming out to be 7 L. and with hostel and meals it will not be less than 10 L.

Finally and most importantly this program is tailored for manufacturing industries. No way it can be compared with a regular MBA that gives flexibility to change industry.

A person aspiring for MBA should have the minimal knowledge of his interests. If you just want to get into any program just because that's a good value for money .......... I doubt on your seriousness.

And for your information I'm joining IIM Indore, PGP this year. And I have attended couple of IIM interviews apart from Indore. So I guess I have decent amount of knowledge 'bout IIMs

Oh forgot to mention, carry on with your foresight. But sometime look at the nearby stuffs as well. Like enhancing your RC or math skills.

exactly Surya. So it is always expected before posting something, one should verify the data with the official website.

Soumya...you showed your mete .. by banging on ur point...and with this rage and attitude ...I only wish that u go further than cracking IIM-I
Surya...thanks for ur so needed intervention...some ppl here just missed the point that , its just not abt IIM or any other college ... but to understand the importance of opportunity cost...On philosophy we all preach about selecting the course on the basis of wat we think is suitable to our background...but frankly speaking how much of that is actually our decision ?
Infact , on a practical note ...there are a couple of fellas from IIM-I,K and XIMB who actually work under me at much a petty salary..and I know very well...some decisions costs dearly

I'd request ppl with short temper... to please reserve their comments to themselves

Thank You

@ podoustad .... thanks first for not defending your misquoted figures. Please provide source now onwards that will help the future applicants.

Secondly in my company our account manager is an IIMC grad. For the last five years he is in the same role earning just an avg package as per our industry standard. With just two company switch my 2 yr college senior, with just a B.Tech earning more than him and I presently earn more than last year's min sal in IIMC (institute doesn't reveal this min. not C nor I. just think why? search it in net)......... this doesn't demean my respect for IIMC evn by a single nanometer. This only signifies that those specific students were not able to perform as per the institute standards. Your attemp to show IIM I, K and XIMB as institute of lesser value is really childish. The top 10% of IIM I, K earn much more than an avg IIMABC grad considering the fact the they are in the market only for 10-12 yrs and hence don't get enormous alumni support like these biggies. I told 'bout my admission in IIM I not to boost but to reply to your comment "you are so ignorant 'bout IIMs". How can you say so without knowing me. First get an admit from any of these places then say.

Thirdly it's true when I choose comp sc during my JEE counseling, it's simply because it offers a better prospect in India atleast. But after working for quite some time now, I'm sure 'bout my interest and that's true for almost all the person I have interacted in PDP bootcamps or in the IIM gd/pi classes in TIME. Little variation in opportunity cost can always be countered aginst genuine interest as all the sectors have superb earning potentials. Trust me if you are not genuinely interested in a specific field u can't hide it from IIM profs. And in interview of these specialised courses or the courses where specialization needs to be chosen beforehand candidates are grilled on their choice. Please check the SP Jain interview thread.I myself faced this.

And finally this discussion is heading nowhere. Apart from we two no one else has shown any interest in it. So I'm withdrawing from this discussion. Hope that makes you happy.

@ Surya, thought of not replying but had to chip in. IPersonal examples are difficult to prove as you can't name anyone. Why don't u do onething. In IIMC thread just ask your senoirs the lowest CTC in 2009. See yourself if u get a clear reply at all. U will be left to laugh on yourself if you think all IIM ABC grads get 2 fig. salary.

Personal example came into picture one post before my last post. You seemed to be turning a blind's eye on that. Anyway don't behave like a paranoid just because your insti has been sited in an example. I again and again said I have enormous respect for ABC but that doesn't mean all their students are so successful.

For your satisfaction just search with this "IIMC lowest salary 2009" in google. You will get your answer.

hi guys,

After reading the subject opened to know some details about the 1yr mba programs in india...but discussion is on something

Requesting you all to end this discussion...
you guys started to help others if this continues no one will enter this thread for further discussions...

Thanks for your understanding

hi all,

I have seen some institutes in india for 1yr mba program....
can someone tell me the criteria for applying to these programs....

is 5yr of exp mandatory for ll the programs????
and for these do we need d managerial exp or exp is IT industry is sufficient....???

Thank in advance...


Most of the instis. IIM ABC, spjMumbai and IMT needs 5+ years.
Although great lakes chennai is a good option for junta having less than 5 years exp.

you don't need to be a manager (good if u are) . See batch profile of students in the official sites and you can see the clear picture.

Well...now that distractions are all dealt with...we can start off with the discussion on the topic..
Well all IIMs asks for atleast 5 years of experience excepting IIM B which asks 7 years..whoos..
I think all of the best 10 colleges in INDIA have some or the other form of the 1 year program excpet FMS and NITIE...I have compiled an excel sheet which collates all the data and deadlines for these colleges..anybody interested can share his/her email ID and i can share that over

Well...now that distractions are all dealt with...we can start off with the discussion on the topic..
Well all IIMs asks for atleast 5 years of experience excepting IIM B which asks 7 years..whoos..
I think all of the best 10 colleges in INDIA have some or the other form of the 1 year program excpet FMS and NITIE...I have compiled an excel sheet which collates all the data and deadlines for these colleges..anybody interested can share his/her email ID and i can share that over

Dear Podoustad,

Plz send/mail me this Excel sheet to my email ID.. that I've already PM you.

Thanks & Regards,
Dr Saurabh.

Hey Could you please send that sheet to me too...
Thanks a ton in advance...
Will PM u my mail id...

Top One-Year MBA institute:
1. Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management
3. IE Business School
4. University of Cambridge Judge Business School
5. University of Oxford Sad Business School

I think that we are dicussing about 1 Year MBA Programs in India.. & Not Abroad. :nono:

There are Many threads.. discussing about 1Yr MBAs in UK/EU/US.. however we don't have much threads/posts which discuss about the 1Yr MBA programs in India. So lets stick to this Thread.. & contribute in sharing decent Information & Posts.. regarding Top 1Yr Indian MBAs.

which bschool in india accepts gmat score for their 1,2 year programs and minimum cutoffs