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UPSC CMS DAF 2019 Recruitment for 965 Vacancies

UPSC CMS DAF 2019 Recruitment

The Union Public Service Commission has announced that the Combined Medical service Examination for the year 2019 is about to be conducted. The detailed application form which the candidate needs to fill to appear for the exam is available online from August 26, 2019 and the candidates can apply for the examination until the application portal closes on September 9, 2019.

Important Dates:

The dates which the candidates must take note of are as follows

Events Dates
The Online Application Form can be downloaded August 26, 2019.
The last date to download the online application form September 9, 2019.

Procedure to apply online:

The candidates are to follow certain steps to successful apply online for the Combined Medical Examinations. They are as follows

Eligibility criteria:

Only the candidates who have completed the MBBS degree are eligible to apply for this examination.  The candidate who belong in the final year of the MBBS degree are also eligible to apply. The candidate should be 32 years old.

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