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LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019 Analysis: Check the most Difficult Section in the Exam

LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019 Analysis

LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019 Analysis

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) had carried the LIC Assistant Mains 2019 exam on 22 December in several shifts. The candidates had appeared for the exam to fetch recruitment in the LIC. The challenging level of the LIC Assistant Mains exam was “Moderate”.

The candidates shared that their experience with Reasoning Ability and the Quantitative Aptitude sections was the most difficult one. The articles help for making better under the level of difficulty in the exam-

The exams in the year 2019 were held online like every time. The candidates were ordered a total of 200 multiple-choice questions. The exams were conducted in four different sectional timing for all the four sections can be understood by the table given below.

They were given 30 minutes to attempt each section individually. There was negative marking in the exam which added a level of challenge in the examination respectively.

The difficulty level is as follows-

Particulars Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude Moderate
General or Financial Awareness Moderate
English Language Easy
Total Moderate

The topic based on exams in accordance of exams included-

Reasoning Ability

The topic from each section include

General/Financial Awareness

The topic from each section include

Quantitative Aptitude

The topic from each section include

English Language

The topic from each section include

For additional information candidates check the official notification and keep themselves updated through our page.

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