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JEE Main 2016: IITians bring you ‘Tip of the day’ – 2

This is the second in a series of articles giving last minute tips to JEE aspirants to efficiently crack the exam. Every day, PaGaLGuY will bring to you a tip of the day from first year IIT students sharing their experiences and mistakes of JEE 2015.

Kanakvi Aggarwal,
First year B. Tech, IIT Kharagpur

Almost all coaching
institutes give us short-cuts to remember formulas but that is not the strategy
to crack JEE Main paper. I agree one has to know all the formulas, but then
again till the time you don’t understand the formula, no point in learning. While
you are sitting in the examination hall, it is easier if you can identify the
formula rather than figuring which short-cut it most relates with, one simply doesn’t
have that much time.

When I was
preparing for JEE Main, I made a list of important formulas from every chapter
of all the subjects. That notebook helped me reach IIT-KGP. I would advise you
to make a formula notebook, and revise it a day before the big day. This exercise
will help you save time in exam. If you know your formulas then as soon as you
see a problem, you can identify what formula to apply. If you are able to
understand all of them, you are sorted.

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