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BPSC Assistant Engineer Main Exam Answer Key 2019 Released at, Last Date to Raise Objection is 27th December

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) issues provisional answer key for the post of Assistant Engineer for Mechanical and Civil.

The notification has been passed by Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) releasing the provisional answer key for the post of Assistant Engineer for Mechanical and Civil.

The candidates who arrived in the BPSC AE Main Exam can check the answer through BPSC official website For additional details about the same check below-

BPSC Assistant Engineer Main Exam Answer Key is available in the PDFs format respectively.

The subjects in exams include-

How to Download?

  1. Proceed to BPSC official website
  2. At the main page, click on Provisional Answer Key Link– Booklet Series A, B, C, D for General Hindi:: General English:: General Studies:: General Engineering Science:: Mechanical Engineering (Paper-V):: Mechanical Engineering (Paper-VI):: Civil Engineering (Paper-V):: Civil Engineering (Paper-VI).
  3. Once the pdf will open.
  4. Moderate BPSC AE Provisional Answer Key
  5. Submit objection if any following the date provided.

General English had an option of General English and so did Mechanical Engineering with Civil Engineering.

The BPSC answer key is issued so that the Candidates can review and raise objections, if any, against any answer required. They are expected to send their objections along with essential documents/proof bearing their name roll number and address to the Secretary-cum-Exam Controller.

The objection for all the 6 subjects shall be submitted up to 27 December 2019 till 05:00 PM being the last date.

Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for BPSC AE Recruitment 2019

After viewing or interpreting all the descriptions or objections received, BPSC will declare the final answer keys of the exam. After which, BPSC AE Main Result will be announced.

BPSC had carried Assistant Engineer Mains Exam from 05 to 09 August 2019.

For further details, candidates shall check the official notification and keep themselves updated through our page.

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