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How to Prepare for CAT 2023 Exam: Tips to solve VARC Section – Tricks and Resources by CAT 100%ilers

Tips to solve VARC Section in CAT

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is one of the most competitive entrance exams in India for admission to prestigious management institutes. It is conducted every year by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) for admission to their various postgraduate management programs. CAT 2023 exam is scheduled for 26th November 2023, and as a CAT aspirant, you should start your preparations if you are looking to ace the exam.

One of the CAT exam sections is the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section, which requires a firm hold on vocabulary and comprehension skills. To score well in this section, aspirants need to understand the exam pattern and syllabus well. It is also essential to have a clear strategy for attempting the questions and a sound preparation strategy. 

 This article will provide you with tips and tricks to solve the VARC section and resources recommended by top CAT 100 %ilers. These tips will help you to prepare effectively and score well in the VARC section.

10 Tips to Solve CAT VARC Section

Here are the top 10 tips by PG experts to solve the CAT VARC Section without missing the top score with proper time management.

10 Tips to Solve VARC Section in CAT Exam

Also Read: “It’s about leading with example” – Ft. Rahul Sharma, an IIM A graduate & 3X CAT Topper.

How to build Grammar and Vocabulary for the CAT VARC Section CAT Exam 2023?

The best way to build & improve your Grammar and Vocabulary for CAT 2023: 

  1. Read Widely: Develop a habit of reading newspapers, magazines, novels, and quality online articles to improve reading speed, vocabulary, and comprehension.

  2. Solve Mocks and Previous Years’ Question Papers: Regularly practice CAT-specific mock test and previous years’ CAT question papers to familiarise yourself with the exam format, build stamina, and identify areas that need improvement.

  3. Analyse Mistakes: Review and analyse the questions you answered incorrectly to understand the underlying concepts and avoid repetition.

  4. Seek Guidance: Consider joining coaching classes or seeking guidance from experienced mentors to gain insights, strategies, and personalised feedback.

How to approach reading comprehension passages for CAT Exam 2023? 

When approaching RC passages for the CAT exam, follow the given solving strategy.

How to Improve Reading Speed for the CAT Exam in 2023?

Top 10 tips to help increase your reading speed for CAT

  1. Practice daily: Set aside time each day for reading practice.

  2. Skim and scan: Quickly identify the main ideas and keywords in the text.

  3. Eliminate subvocalisation: Read without pronouncing each word in your mind.

  4. Expand your vocabulary: Learn new words regularly to comprehend passages faster.

  5. Read diverse materials: Explore different genres and topics for good reading experiences.

  6. Increase reading pace gradually: Push yourself to read slightly faster over time.

  7. Take timed practice tests: Simulate exam conditions and solve as many questions as possible to improve speed and accuracy.

  8. Use a pointer or finger: Guide your eyes along the lines for better focus.

  9. Avoid distractions: Create a quiet environment for focused reading.

  10. Review and analyse: Summarise the main points after reading to reinforce understanding.

More preparation material is available HERE.

Strategy for CAT: Quick tips on CAT VARC by Past CAT Toppers

Chirag Gupta, CAT 2021 100%iler

Read more in general: It’s crucial to develop a habit of reading to improve your VARC skills. Start by choosing topics that genuinely interest you. This will make the process enjoyable and help you form a reading habit. Remember, the goal is not just to read but also to comprehend the text quickly. Practice speed reading techniques to enhance your reading speed while maintaining comprehension.

Use the elimination technique for RCs: Instead of searching for the correct option, focus on eliminating the wrong ones. By carefully analysing each answer choice and eliminating the ones that contradict the passage or lack supporting evidence, you can arrive at the correct answer more efficiently. This approach can also be applied to the Data Interpretation section in exams like XAT. Discussing RC passages with peers can provide valuable insights and different perspectives.

Master para jumbles: When tackling para jumbles, start by identifying the first sentence. This will serve as a foundation for arranging the remaining sentences. Look for pairs or phrases that connect logically. With regular practice, you’ll become more adept at identifying the correct sequence. Utilise online resources or join study groups to solve para jumbles collaboratively and learn from each other’s strategies.

Ace summary questions:

  1. For summary questions, identify the three most essential points in the passage according to your understanding.
  2. Write them down concisely. The correct answer choice should align with these three points without any distortions or additions.
  3. Practice summarising passages regularly to improve your ability to extract key information.

Disclaimer – Whatever I have written here may or may not work for you. There is no single cookie-cutter strategy for an exam like CAT.

Also Read: Top 5 Tips For CAT Exam Prep Strategy, Beginners To Toppers by CAT Author Arun Sharma

Patrick Dsouza, 6 times CAT 100%iler

Focus on enjoyment: Instead of approaching reading as a mere CAT preparation task, find reading material that interests and captivates you. Choose something that sparks your curiosity and brings you joy, whether it’s novels, magazines, newspapers, or other written content.

Consistency is key: Develop a habit of reading regularly. Dedicate a specific time each day or week to immerse yourself in reading. Consistency is essential to reap the benefits and see improvements in your Verbal scores.

Variety in reading material: Explore a diverse range of reading material. It could be novels by favourite authors, books from different genres, magazines covering various topics, or newspaper editorials. This exposure will broaden your understanding and enhance your ability to comprehend different writing styles.

Prioritise reading three months before the exam: While regular reading is beneficial, consciously intensify your reading practice three months before the CAT exam. This focused approach will significantly impact your performance in the Verbal section.

Enjoyment leads to improvement: You naturally become more engaged and attentive when you genuinely enjoy reading. This heightened interest and involvement will enhance your reading speed, comprehension skills, and overall performance in the Verbal section.

Remember, the key to improving your Verbal scores is finding pleasure in reading. Embrace the joy of exploring new worlds through words, and you will witness its positive impact on your CAT preparation journey. 

Sanjit Sarkar, CAT 2022 99%iler

Reading Comprehension:

Familiarise yourself with various genres: philosophical, science-based, factual, and historical paragraphs. Prepare a diverse range of reading materials to minimise surprises on the exam day.

Verbal Ability:


To know Sanjit Sarkar’s entire CAT prep journey, read: How to Score 99 Percentile in CAT 2023? – CAT Toppers Success Strategies by Sanjit Sarkar, IIM Ahmedabad.

Best Resources for CAT VARC Section Preparation 

CAT Preparation Books For VARC

Here is the list of best books as CAT study material for VARC section recommended by CAT Toppers

  1. How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT” by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
  2. Word Power Made Easy” by Norman Lewis
  3. High School English Grammar and Composition” by Wren and Martin
  4. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT” by Nishit K. Sinha
  5. 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary” by Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis
  6. Barron’s Essential Words for the GRE” by Philip Geer
  7. The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review” by GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)
  8. Mastering the Verbal Ability for CAT Common Admission Test” by Ajay Singh
  9. A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning: R.S.Agarwal

Reminder all these books cover the VARC syllabus in detail; while books can be helpful resources, it’s equally important to practice with online mock tests, solve previous year CAT papers, and engage in regular reading of newspapers, magazines, and quality online articles to enhance your overall verbal abilities.

CAT Preparation RC Resources For VARC

Here are some recommended reading resources for CAT preparation:

  1. Newspapers: The Hindu, The Economic Times, The Indian Express
  2. Magazines: Forbes India, Business Today, Frontline
  3. Novels: Classic literature by authors like Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and F. Scott Fitzgerald 
  4. Non-fiction Books: “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari, “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg
  5. Online Articles: Websites like Medium, Harvard Business Review, and
  6. Business Publications: The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, Forbes
  7. Current Affairs Magazines: Pratiyogita Darpan, Competition Success Review, Civil Services Chronicle
  8. Literary Magazines: The New Yorker, Granta, Paris Review
  9. Online Blogs: Malcolm Gladwell’s blog, Seth Godin’s blog, Brain Pickings
  10. Editorials: Editorials from leading newspapers like The Guardian, The New York Times, and The Washington Post

If you are looking for Tips, Tricks and strategies to ace CAT in 6 months, check out this insightful video by Shweta Arora

Also Read: How to score 90+ Percentile in CAT 2023? – CAT Toppers Success Strategies by Rohith S G Mudedla, IIM Bangalore

VARC Preparation for CAT: Type of Questions, Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Understanding the pattern and CAT syllabus of the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section is crucial to understanding the level of difficulty and creating an effective preparation plan. Let’s delve into the details:

The CAT exam is designed to assess a candidate’s aptitude in various areas, including Quantitative Ability (QA), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), and VARC. Each section contributes to the final percentile calculation, with VARC being one of the crucial components.

CAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) Section Pattern and Approach:

Section Pattern:

Reading Comprehension (RC) Approach:

Verbal Ability (VA) Approach:

If you’re seeking additional tips and tricks to align your CAT Prep journey and boost your VARC scores, there’s an insightful video you should definitely watch.

Prepare for VARC for CAT 2023: FAQs

1. What are the Word Usage and Grammar Rules for Verbal Ability in CAT exam?

Ans: The Verbal Ability section in the CAT exam assesses a candidate’s language proficiency, including word usage and grammar. While it’s not possible to provide an exhaustive list of all word usage and grammar rules, here are some important concepts to focus on for CAT Verbal Ability preparation:

  1. Vocabulary: Learn synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and phrases.
  2. Grammar: Master subject-verb agreement, tenses, modifiers, etc.
  3. Parts of Speech: Understand nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.
  4. Sentence Construction: Practice concise and logical sentence formation.
  5. Error Spotting: Identify and correct grammatical errors.
  6. Sentence Correction: Rectify grammatical mistakes in given sentences.
  7. Contextual Usage: Learn how words change meaning in different contexts.
  8. Idioms and Phrases: Familiarise yourself with common expressions.
  9. Reading Comprehension: Analyse sentence structure and grammar in passages.
  10. Practice: Regularly practice exercises and solve previous papers.

2. How to identify strengths and weaknesses in the VARC section when analysing mock tests?

Ans: To identify strengths and weaknesses in the VARC section when analysing mock tests:

  1. Evaluate time management and completion of all questions.
  2. Assess accuracy in different question types: reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and critical reasoning.
  3. Analyse performance in reading comprehension passages.
  4. Review time allocation for each question or passage.
  5. Identify patterns of difficulty or consistent weaknesses.
  6. Learn from incorrect responses and understand the reasons behind mistakes.
  7. Note specific areas for improvement: vocabulary, grammar, critical reasoning, and reading speed.
  8. Practice and focus on targeted areas of weakness.
  9. Seek guidance if needed from mentors or coaching programs.
  10. Regularly analyse mock tests to track progress and adapt study strategies.

3. Could you please provide a CAT preparation strategy specifically for the VARC section for one-month prep timeframe?

Ans: In order to prepare for the VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section of the CAT exam within a one-month timeframe, it is important to have a focused strategy. Begin by understanding the exam pattern and familiarising yourself with the structure of the VARC section. Assess your strengths and weaknesses in this area and prioritise your study accordingly. Dedicate time each day to build your vocabulary through word lists, flashcards, and online resources. Read regularly to improve comprehension skills and exposure to different writing styles. Practice solving reading comprehension passages from previous CAT papers to enhance your understanding of main ideas and supporting details. Additionally, pay attention to improving grammar skills by reviewing essential concepts. With consistent effort and targeted practice, you can effectively prepare for the VARC section in one month.

4. Can you share Parajumble and Odd Sentence Out Techniques?

Here are the techniques for approaching Parajumble and Odd Sentence Out questions:

Parajumble Techniques:

Use elimination technique: If unsure about the correct order, eliminate options with illogical sequences or unrelated ideas. This can help narrow down the choices and increase your chances of selecting the correct order.

Odd Sentence Out Techniques:

5. How many questions do I need to answer to get a 100 score in VARC CAT?

Ans: If you struggle with VARC, aim to answer at least 8-10 questions correctly in the VARC section. This will help you secure a high score and prevent your overall CAT percentile from being negatively impacted. By achieving 8-10 correct answers, you can comfortably aim for a percentile of 90+ in VARC.

6. How can I improve my VARC section accuracy?

Ans: To improve your accuracy in the VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section, consider the following tips:

7. Which site is best for free mock test on VARC?

Ans: if you are looking to tackle CAT Mocks, here are some leading websites that provide FREE mock tests for CAT aspirants.

  1. Career Launchers’s Free full-length CAT Mocks
  2. Cracku’s Free CAT Mock Tests 2023 with video solutions
  3. BYJU’S Exam Prep’s practice CAT Online Free Test Series  
  4. InsideIIM’s Free Mock Test Series 2023

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