Edutap nabard material which is 5500 we can buy in sharing

anyone interested for edutap nabard material which is 5500 we can buy in sharing

anyone interested for edutap nabard material which is 5500 we can buy in sharing

 Hi, Should I go for Edatap's rbi grd b video course or non-video course is sufficient? 

I have purchased Edutap RBI grade B and Sebi grade A course which include pdf materials, mocks, and video lectures. I want to sell it to only 2 interested candidates for Rs 6000 each.. So that they don't face any difficulty in sharing the course. Interested candidate can contact to me at [email protected] (P. S.! :have gotten admission to pursue my higher studies, hence I m not using the course any more.. Nor the mocks or lectures has been used)


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