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Yes, I am immature

Among the various necessities of life, I never knew being mature is also one of them.I have often received this tag that I am immature. If you cry when you are hurt, you are immature. If you express people what you feel without manipulating you are immature. If you love someone truely to the point you can’t be with anyone else then you are immature. If you care about someone beyond yourself, you are immature.There are numerous criteria to be mature, in short you just see your life, your wishes without caring about the world and most importantly you are stoic then you can be mature.For today’s every problem we hear this easy to say and difficult to implement solution. .GET MATURE. ..

But my point is why do we all run after this maturity? Why can’t we be ourselves and not hide our emotions in order to pretend that we are grown up? Is being grown up is all about killing yourself to be someone you are not..? I don’t believe in this.I want to cry when I feel like, I want to smile when I like something, I want to love with whole heart, I want to care about others and be cared.I want to live being true not in the disguise of maturity because I have a heart that doesn’t want to grow up in the way we become mature. .cause my heart is happy being a child and if the world calls this immaturity then “YES, I AM IMMATURE”

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