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Things You Are Missing Out On By Not Applying Early to SOIL

Applications for School of Inspired Leadership are open from July 2016 through March 2017. We have three application cycles that students can choose to apply in. While the program for all enrolled students starts in April 2017, there are definite perks of applying early. They are as follows

1 Personalized connect with the admissions team – Our admission team is geared to attract the best talent to SOIL. Often we see that an average applicant scores over a good applicant because his profile is much better presented. At SOIL, we solve this problem by personalized guidance to all our applicants. Students get inputs on their resumes and essays and tips on how to prepare for the talent appreciation interview. Therefore, applying early ensures far more attention from the admissions team than that possible when applications are at their peak, closer to the application deadline.

2 Increasing your odds – School of Inspired Leadership has three application cycles. However, the number of seats allotted to each of these cycles is neither fixed nor proportionate. Applying in early stages of the admissions cycle ensures that you don’t get rejected because we have reached the limit of our class size. Applying early also gives you access to a bigger piece of the scholarships pie.

3 Getting ahead in your learning curve – We attract talented applicants from diverse backgrounds, eager to outperform each other in academics. Getting access to our pre-term course material helps students to master the fundamentals of business at their own pace before beginning the rigour of the B-School.

4 Be a part of the SOIL community – Once a student is accepted into SOIL, he is welcome to all SOIL happenings, some of these include – SOIL Alumni events, Leadership Series, campus visits and sample classes. It can prove to be a wonderful opportunity to form a lasting bond with the alumni community.

5 Enjoy your last days at work – The period between getting through a leading B-school and your last day at work has been the most enjoyable period for most students. The work stress is considerably reduced by the excitement of heading back to school. Many students use this time to socialise up with fellow batch mates and explore hobbies they earlier didn’t find time for.

SOIL admission process is not just about getting into a leading B school, it is a journey of understanding one’s unique gifts and talents.  If you want to know more about SOIL or about preparing for an interview please get in touch with or

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