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The Nape, the Hair and not a Dream

So, I finally saw her.

where, when ?

Yesterday. you know that photocopy shop near the tea stall. No, not near the hospital. Why would I go near hospital for a cup of tea. I am talking about this one.


I was coming back and had bought two guavas and vineet was philosophizing on why he would never buy a guava as he has a tree at home and he had had so many guavas in life that he just did not feel like eating one, let alone buying them. And then he spoke some more on the fruit family. I think he was pontificating on seeds when I saw her.

In the red ?

Of course she was wearing red.

And she had curly hairs ?

Not exactly, I think she had some work done on them.


I know, I too was a bit unsure but the neck, I just could not have missed it.

Yes yes.

So, there she was in red, her hair up tied up in I don’t know what ? but a really terrific style. I was blown away by just how cool her hair looked. She was facing away from me, so I had this clear view of the back of her neck that I am so sure about. She was leaning on the photocopy counter. He seemed unnecessarily interested.

He’s a jerk, that stupid guy. I stole an A4 paper ream from lab so that I have a lesser photocopy bill this season but he rejected my papers, saying they were too oily. He borrowed one of my paper and wrote down, “outside paper and ink not allowed” on it and pasted it outside. Did you see that note ?

Yeah I saw it. You helped him do it ? How stupid of you.

I did not help him, he was too forceful, I just spell-checked Anyways, leave that jerk. what about the girl ?

Yeah yeah. So I asked Vineet if he would come with me to the shop but he was too busy eating both the guavas and ignored me, so I had to go alone. I was a bit terrified to be honest but I was wearing my black blazer so it was a bit okay.

Yes, that’s cool although I must admit that It does not look as cool as you think it does. Just my opinion, in fact on Saturdays you look like a ticket collector. So that might have been to your disadvantage.

Oh! Anyways it does not matter. I was walking towards the shop and was just about 10 paces from her when she tilted her head a bit. I swear on your head and you are a thief if I am lying but only an actress from a beautiful black and white frame from 1950’s could have looked as graceful. She was almost an angel of mourning and then it dawned upon me.

What ?

To walk away from the dream and not touch it.

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