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Tackling competitive exams

Competitive exams are omnipresent, making it a way of life. Every forward step a student takes – he has to encounter competitive exams. Without crossing these obstacles, it is difficult to realize the goals of our lives. So, the question foremost in the minds of the students is how to be successful in these exams. Is there a special way to enhance the likelihood of one’s success in them?

According to me, there is no magic solution. The art of performing well is to prepare oneself mentally. The first step is to forget that it is competitive and that there may be more talented or more capable students than myself. The goal in our mind should be to get every answer correct. The age old advice of practice and more practice holds good here as well. It will help if we are aware of our shortcomings and then work on it. For example, if I am weak in English communication, I must make it a habit of reading more English books and the daily newspaper. Practicing to write essays and then getting them evaluated and corrected by an English professor is a good way of improving. For quantitative questions, one need to be conceptually clear and hence must start from working from the fundamentals. Taking help of professionals in this area is a good idea.

One of the major aspects of competitive exams is time. Speed is of essence here. Speed of answering develops only over a period of time and with lots of practice. So, it is better to start preparations well in advance. Practicing a set of tests on computer is also required prior to actually taking the exam.

So, preparation and practice holds the key to your success in competitive examinations.

Prof. Rahul Gupta Choudhury

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