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SSC – CGL 2015 : How to prepare for SSC – CGL Interview – Part 3

In the previous article, we discussed different questions that may be asked across categories and the strategy to tackle such questions. In this article, we will discuss more such areas you might face questions from.

General Knowledge Questions:

. A candidate is expected to be aware of important national/international developments. This includes knowledge about current events and static subjects like history, political science, geography, economics & science, etc.

. It is essential to read newspapers daily, with a focus on editorials as they help you to give articulate answers.

.Interviewer may also be interested in your opinions on major national/international policies. Balanced and logical viewpoints will reflect a mature understanding and may work in your favour.

SSC gives a lot of impetus to this section during the interviews. Candidate should expect at least 4-5 questions from this area.

Situation and Behaviour-based Questions:

. As discussed in Capsule 1 of this series, the positions offered by SSC would include handling people and their grievances. This requires a candidate to possess managerial and decision making skills.

. Situation-based questions test your presence of mind and assess how quickly you handle challenging situations. Some questions also put your administrative skills on trial.

. Candidates are expected to have a positive outlook and solution-centric mindset. While dealing with virtual situations, you should think rationally and inclusively.

. Firstly, you should be balanced while assessing the given situation.

. Secondly, while answering, identify your strong attributes (which you might have mentioned before in your introduction). Then you can describe the actions you will take to tackle the situation. You should also describe the consequences of your actions as it will help to paint a clear picture.

Candidates should be ready for such question during the interviews as SSC usually asks 2-3 questions based on such virtual situations to test the administrative skills of candidates.

General tips for interviewers :

Appearance & Attire:

a) Your appearance and dressing sense are crucial to create a good first impression. So, do not make the mistake of dressing casually. Appropriate attire also conveys your sincerity towards the job. 

b) Wear a formal and well-fitting attire. Steer clear of itchy or irritating fabrics as that will divert your attention.

Entering the interview room:

a) If the door is closed, knock twice and wait for a panel member to call you inside. Several knocks will be too noisy and rude.

b) Have a smiling and confident face while facing the interviewers and greeting them. You should seem calm and composed, not nervous and shaky.

c) Seek permission to sit; you should wait for the interviewers to sit down before you do.

Intelligent enthusiasm:

a) Interviews are always stressful affairs for many people. Due to stress, a candidate is likely to get nervous, which will negatively impact his profile.

b) Thus, your enthusiasm should convey that you are ready and excited to take up the job and discharge your duties. Do not be over-enthusiastic as you may come off as being immature.

Positive body language:

a) Not just your word, your body language also holds great value during an interview.

b) While standing and sitting, keep your posture straight and hold your head high.

c) Make good use of your hands while speaking in coordination with proper facial expressions.

d) Do not cross your arms, look at the floor or tap your foot. Positive body language is important as reflects your focus and attention.


a) Your answers should be brief and to the point, else you may end up confusing the interview/s.

b) Being to the point also reflects good understanding of the question. A talkative candidate is usually considered boring.


a) Being honest during the interview is always the best policy. Do not exaggerate your accomplishments or claim to have done tasks that, in reality, you have not. You honesty will always be respected.

b) If you do not know the answer to a question, admit it. Do not lie.

c) If the interviewers suspect any lies from the candidate, they start to cross-examine. And they succeed. So, that will only leave you embarrassed.

Sense of humour:

a) Exhibiting your sense of humour during the interview helps to show that you are more than just a dedicated worker.

b) However, use your humour only if it is a natural flair. Do not try to overdo it by cracking jokes.


a) Maintaining decency during the interview, be it as regards your body language or your conversation, is important. Your etiquette displays your upbringing. Be polite while answering. Cutting off the interviewer with hasty replies is a strict no-no. Let them complete their question/statements before you start answering.

b) Being confident is good, but over-confidence will only convey arrogance.

Avoid slangs:

a) Interviewees should remember to steer clear of slangs, profanities and any expletives as it is a testimony to immaturity and lack of professionalism.

b) Also, stick to one language while answering, whether it is Hindi or English.

Be attentive and ask questions:

a) Be very attentive during the interview as it is a mark of your sincerity.

b) If you are not able to grasp the question/statement in the first time, you can ask the interviewer to repeat his/her question/statement.

c) Clarifying your doubts immediately is best rather than misinterpreting the question and giving a wrong answer.

Eye contact:

a) Making the right amount of eye contact exhibits your self-confidence. It also shows that you are focused and attentive.

b) Avoid looking at your own shoes or at the table as it conveys fear, anxiety and lack of confidence.

c) Balance it in a way that you do not end up staring at one interviewer.

d) Remember, you will be interviewed by a panel of 5-6 different people. Make sure you interact with every person by making eye contact with each of them.

Be Yourself:

a) Try to be yourself. Never pretend to be someone you are not. To impress interviewers, candidates take up a fake accent, which they cannot sustain throughout the interview. Also, it is likely to wane your focus.

b) Inconsistent mannerisms and accent can annoy interviewers and your honesty might be in question.

We have discussed every different aspect of your interview, right from preparation to interview etiquettes. Despite all these suggestions and ideal strategy, the most important element in the interview is ‘YOU’!

‘YOU’ can bring magic and charisma with your mystique which will make you a mighty contender. So, just be yourself and face the challenge!!!

All the Best!!!

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