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PaGaLGuY B-school Rankings 2011 – The results!

Welcome to the PaGaLGuY B-school Rankings 2011, the guide to India’s Most Preferred B-schools in its 4th edition.

As many of you tracking our rankings since 2008 might have noticed, each year we have been experimenting with the various possibilities our CommunityRank methodology could throw up — while ensuring that the product we eventually put out was accurate and useful to you all. Simultaneously, we have been continuously improving the algorithm under-the-hood to accommodate an increasing number of b-schools while never letting its accuracy fall. This year’s ranking is an aggregation of all that we have learned in the past three years about the directions in which CommunityRank can be pushed and is therefore backed by a stronger, scaled and more robust algorithm than ever.

We have also simplified the structure of our rankings this year based on readership statistics from last year. For example, rankings such as those according to b-school students, alumni, freshers, etc have been pruned out owing to low interest from readers. Similarly, we have also let go of last year’s regional rankings. We have only retained the Overall rankings, rankings as per Women and rankings as per those with Work experience, as these have been the most used ones in previous years.

Traditionally, B-school Rankings have been trying to tell us which MBA programs we should be looking at in the coming admissions season. However, none of them have succeeded in capturing the order of business schools that Indians actually want to study at, despite what these rankings advise. The basis of the PaGaLGuY B-school Rankings has therefore always been to find out what India thinks about its b-schools by measuring their perception in a technologically seamless yet easy manner.

Coming to the specifics of this year’s rankings, a total of 8,673 people participated in the PaGaLGuY B-school Rankings survey 2011. After data cleaning and ignoring incomplete responses, we were left with a total of 7,931 respondents whose votes we used to calculate the rankings.

This year we have ranked a total of 104 b-schools. The year 2010 has seen a lot of important new b-schools starting up, of which the three Indian Institutes of Management at Raipur, Rohtak and Ranchi are the most significant. We have included these b-schools in the rankings to see how people perceive them compared to older schools. Based on requests, we have also included several government and university management schools in smaller towns of India which have come to be highly aspired for in their local regions — such as IMS Indore, FMS at Banaras Hindu University, Delhi School or Management at Delhi Technological University and more.

Start viewing the rankings in any of the following ways,

– Visit the rankings homepage –

– Go directly to the Overall Rankings | Rankings as per Women | Rankings as per those with Work Experience

– Read a brief analysis of the rankings

– To find out how we arrived at the rankings, view the Methodology

Most questions about rankings, why we follow the methodology we do, why not some other methodology, have been answered in the Methodology page. Readers are advised to go through it to understand the rankings in proper context.

We wish you the best for this admission season and hope that you get through into the b-school of your choice.

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