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Now, Write 1,000-word Articles on PaGaLGuY Channels

Everyone likes more space, more breathing room, better wriggling margin. Who doesn’t like,

  1. Moving from a 1BHK to a 2BHK apartment
  2. Getting a bigger-screen phone
  3. Airplane, bus or train seats with more legroom
  4. More time to finish an exam
  5. Longer stretches of road between traffic signals
  6. Bigger food helpings at restaurants
  7. Higher word-limit for writing articles in PaGaLGuY Channels!

Yes, we have heard you. In response to your requests, we are doubling the article word-limit on Channels to 1,000 words. Now you can,

  1. Add more mojo to your article by writing additional punchline paragraphs
  2. Write the entire article on Channels without having to link to the remaining half on your personal blog
  3. Write the entire article at one place without splitting it into two parts
  4. Write more often, without being discourages by the 500-word limit

In addition to the increased limit, we are launching a brand new editor for writing articles.

The new editor has these new features and improvements,

  1. The ability to save multiple versions of your articles. If you want to view a previous version of the article that you feel was better, just select it from the top-right drop-down to open it in a new window. Copy-paste parts from it that you would like to use in your latest edit.
  2. More WYSIWYG: The editor now resembles the actual look of the final published article more closely, so that you can better control the article’s layout.
  3. Friendlier word-count: in addition to the increased word-limit, we now count fewer things as one-word. For example, any set of words hyphenated together will count as one word. Bugs from the former editor because of which words with apostrophes were counted as two words – are now gone.
  4. Numbered and bulleted lists: Just start a sentence with “1.” or “- ” and the editor will automatically begin a numbered/bulleted list. Press ENTER twice when you wish to end the list.
  5. Better image uploading: the image uploader for both the cover image and the article inline images works more cleanly and predictably.
  6. Social sharing: Now immediately after you publish an article, you will get a prompt to share the article to your friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter, and more. Let the world know about your creative work and invite them to see it and leave you feedback.
  7. Your profile signature now appears below the article. You can link to your blog, website or social media presence by adding a signature. So if you haven’t added one yet, do so by going to your profile and editing your signature.

In addition to the above changes in the editor, now readers can ‘Favourite’ your articles for viewing later.

Click on star button on the right to add an article to Favourites

Access Favourite articles from inside the Channel article index page

Finally, you now earn 10 Karma Points each time your article is Recommended. Which means that writing great articles can fast-forward your journey from Newbie Pagal to Trainee Pagal right all the way to Certified Pagal.

(Yes, existing writers with recommended articles will get retrospective Karma points too. That requires some additional backend development work, so wait up for a couple of weeks!)

Please use the new editor and features and report any bugs or problems you encounter in the comments. Happy more writing!

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