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Not a Success Story

I want to do an MBA.

I am not ready for marriage.

Mom please talk to her parents, they are really eager to marry her soon.

Contradictory, that’s what you might think about the above statements. But perceptions can be deceptive! These thoughts emerged from the same egghead, one was heard by everyone and the others by none.

Life has never been easy since I took the decision of doing an MBA, however, the reasons for doing it have changed immensely. As I started to think about MBA, as an average Indian engineer, from an average Indian engineering college, it was purely about money.

“Dude you don’t have a future without MBA, this college sucks. Not a single placement drive would take place and soon you would be hopelessly searching for a job!” This was the statement which made me think about MBA seriously.

I won’t blame myself entirely for this judgement although. Everybody was doing the same. MBA just seemed like the next logical step.

One of my best friends said, “CAT is not a game. Know your limits and be happy.” This was my motivation statement.

So I was there, winters of 2009 and CAT has gone online, and my decent try fetched me a decent percentile. But not decent enough to materialize anything.

I started job hunting and started working with a BPO firm. Soon I realised that this is not what I want to do and I want to join a real IT company. So I joined one. Motivation helps you in disguise. Though MBA was always at the back of my mind but by now I was more informed about the how and why.

I chalked out a plan, which was very simple: Save money, Get good Work-ex, Give CAT, Complete MBA

Though in the far world of reality someone’s parents were really interested in getting their daughter married, and marriage was something that was not in the deepest abyss of my mind.

Totally unaware of the real world conspiracy against me and my MBA plans, and after failing to perform well in CAT for three straight years, I chalked out a new plan: Save money, Give GMAT, Complete MBA

But soon the real world knocked my head pretty hard, all the walls of QA|VA|LR|DI fell down and the roof of MBA was blown away.

Life changed and nothing remained simple. Even my MBA plans became more complex than the Einstein’s equations. Nothing would just seem fit. Savings were eroded, GMAT seemed to be a future story (a future story is a lullaby that you sing to yourself before sleeping every night).

But all this brought a change in me, it made me look at life with a new attitude and forced me to be more practical and realistic about my goals. Taught me how to be an achiever from a day dreamer. I am now more determined to do my MBA, and have a zillion more reasons to do it.

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