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New Course Launched: How to prepare for CAT-2015

Where should I start my CAT-2015 from?

should I study for Verbal Ability?

should I do for CAT Quant?

Which are
the books I should refer to from Grammar?

As a
working professional, how do I figure out my CAT prep?

Are these one or more of the questions that are bothering you? In
case the answer is yes, they there is a simple solution for your problems, our ‘How
to prepare for CAT-2015’ course. This 15 minute exercise will essentially guide
you through the process and outline what needs to be done for your CAT prep.

The course moves along very simple lines: it provides you a
general starting point, answer to the question whether you should join a coaching
center, how should you prepare for individual sections and how should working
professionals go about their prep.

This is a significant amount of information, right?  The purpose of this course is a simple one:
to help you align your preparation with the demands of the exam. Effectively,
this course is an introduction for the things you should be doing for your CAT

Want to start the course and effectively begin your CAT-2015 prep?
Join the course here:

In case you feel that you a need more help with respect to your
CAT plan and how to approach the exam, you can always leave a comment in the
following thread:

your CAT-2015 Prep with a PG Mentor

This thread will be mentored by CAT experts who will guide you
with your prep.

Happy Learning..:)

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