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Logical Reasoning Quiz for MBA entrance exams

Dear readers,

This quiz consists of questions from
various past papers of MBA entrance exams. Leave your answers/ responses in the
comments section below and soon we’ll let you know the correct answers!

Direction for questions 1 to 6: In each
question, the main statement is followed by four sentences. Select the pair of
sentences that relates logically to the given statement.

1. Either Sita is sick or she is careless.

A. Sita is not sick.

B. Sita is not careless.

C. Sita is sick.

D. Sita is careless.

a. AB                b. AD           c. BA            d. DA

2. Ram gets a swollen nose whenever he eats

A. Ram gets a swollen nose.

B. Ram does not eat hamburgers.

C. Ram does not get a swollen nose.

D. Ram eats hamburgers.

a. AB               b. DC           c. AC             d. BC

3. Either the employees have no confidence
in the management or they are hostile by nature.

A. They are not hostile by nature.

B. They are hostile by nature.

C. They have confidence in the management.

D. They have no confidence in the

a. BA               b. CB            c. DA              d. BD

4. Whenever Ram reads late into the night,
his father beats him.

A. His father does not beat Ram.

B. Ram reads late into the night.

C. Ram reads early in the morning.

D. Ram’s father beats him in the morning.

a. CD            b. BD          c. AB             d. None of these

5. All irresponsible parents shout if their
children do not cavort.

A. All irresponsible parents do not shout.

B. Children cavort.

C. Children do not cavort.

D. All irresponsible parents shout.

a. AB                b. BA           c. CA               d. All of these

6. Either the Bus is late, or it is punctured.

A. The bus is late.

B. The bus is not late.

C. The bus is punctured.

D. The bus is not punctured.

a. AB          b. DB              c. CA              d. BC

Direction for questions 37 to 40: Each
question contains four arguments of three sentences each. Choose the set in
which the third statement is a logical conclusion of the first two.

7.     A. Some
Xs are Ps. Some Ps are Ys. Some Xs are Ys.

        B. All
Sonas are bright. Some bright are crazy. Some Sonas are crazy.

        C. No
faith is strong. Only strong have biceps. No faith has biceps.

        D. All
men are weak. Some weak are strong. Some strong are weak.

a. A and D           
b. C only            c. D
only              d. None of these

8.    A. Some
icicles are cycles. All cycles are men. Some icicles are men.

       B. All
girls are teeth. No teeth is yellow. No girls are yellow.

       C. No
hand is foot. Some foot are heads. Some hands are heads.

       D. Every
man has a wife. All wives are devoted. No devoted has a husband.

a. A, B and C         b. A and B         c. C and B            d. A, B and C and D

9.     A. No sun
is not white. All moon is sun. All moon is white.

        B. All
windows are open. No open space is allocated. All window is closed space.

        C. No German can fire. All Americans bombard.
Both, Germans and Americans can fight.

        D. No X is Z. No Z is Y. No X is Y.

a. A only           b. B only                 c. C only                d. D only

10.    A. All Ts
are square. All squares are rectangular. All Ts are rectangular.

Some fat are elongated. Some elongated things are huge. Some fat are huge.

Idiots are bumblers. Bumblers fumble. Idiots fumble.

Water is good for health. Health foods are rare. Water is rare.

a. D only            b. C only            c. Both A and C              d. All of these

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1(b)    2(d)    
3(b)    4(d)     5(a)    
6(d)   7(b)    8(b)    
9(a)    10(c)   

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