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Know the syllabus of ATMA 2018

This entrance exam is to know the ability of candidate for higher management education. AIMS do not declare any official syllabus for the examination. As per the past trends of questions, there is curated ATMA Syllabus. It contains mainly three major domains; these three major domains are further divided into two parts.

Syllabus for Analytical Reasoning Skill 1 and 2

Skill 1: Candidates must possess the analytical skill to analyze a various situation and choose at right answer. This section would contain topics like

Skill 2: it would be based upon

ATMA Syllabus: Verbal Skills 1 and 2

Skill 1: The section examines the efficiency of the candidate’s English language skills. The topics lied under this section are:

Skill 2: It is more or less the same as section 1 of verbal skill. You get more reading comprehension questions and verbal reasoning questions as well.

For studying and preparing for it, you can read English newspapers, magazines, etc to understand and familiarize with words and vocabulary.

ATMA Syllabus for Quantitative Skills 1 and Skill 2

This sections usually contains mathematics, numerical ability, calculation skills and many more. Students are advised to practice quick solving tricks as per the calculations to perform well in this section. Students need to practice questions on regular basis. The questions asked in these sections are based on probability, percentages, combination, geometry, functions and many more.

Students can search for previous year question papers and appear for Mock tests. Previous year question paper would help you analyze the exam pattern. You can find previous year question paper online and can download them. Mock Test is available on official portal. It is beneficial for candidates to take online Mock Test as they would allow understanding the weaken points and the strong points of the candidates. You can improve your weaken points by studying or going through various books or sources.

Books for review

Before appearing in ATMA exams, it is essential to understand the types of questions asked in the exam. Also, appear for the online MOCK test. Follow some of the tips and cover maximum syllabus to practice more and more ATMA Exam sample questions. This will make them familiar with paper pattern and give them an idea of appearing for online computer-based exam.

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