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Into the Wild : A journey of Introspection

“INTO THE WILD” is a non fiction- a real story with a surreal experience .This is about a young, intelligent, adventurous , twenty-three year old boy named Christopher Johnson McCandless(Chris) who thinks that money is an illusion, who thinks that society and job is an invention of 20th century, who believes that the real life is the one of ancient times where one would be a peripatetic, an itinerant walking the unknown places of this whole world.

Chris, the protagonist in the movie has been disturbed beyond measure due to the troubled relationship of his parents – Billie McCandless and Walt McCandless.The only person in his family of four ,who he believes understands him is his sister,Carine McCandless. Carine is also the narrator in this movie, in whose voice the quotes in the movie reverberates in one’ s ears.

Chris completes his college and right after his graduation decides to go to Havard to pursue law. But heres’ the twist; instead, he leaves his home, his parents, his sister, his datsun -the car, his money, his career, his identity and gathers necessary material for his expedition to Alaska, and mind you its not the city Alaska, its the ALASKA,ALASKA. He moves ahead on the journey of being the “ Alexander Supetramp (Alex)“ – is new name.

Alex, now moves to the various parts of the American continent ,but his main goal was to go Alaska, to live in solitude. I really don’t want to go through the entire story of Alex in this article, but I do want you to go and watch this movie to understand emotions and experience them right through this movie – Emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

Alex, being a ferocious reader never left the company of his books. He could summon the words from all the books and novels he read. There are many quotes in this movie, but the one which made me think or rather I must say introspect is :

“…And I also know how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong.”– Christopher McCandless.

Many of us,I am sure say to oneself in difficult times “ I am strong “ , but the point is how many of us think that we actually feel strong at all point of times.

Alexander Supertramp, teaches you a lot many things like these, makes you introspect, makes you realise what you really are and what you really want to be. How many of you reading this article would want to stand in your own grave and say “ I wish I had done this, I wish I had said sorry to him/her, I wish I would have lived a life I ever wanted to live and not the one society wants me to live, how now I wish I should have learnt dance, music ,painting, etc “. NONE.

So fellas, go out there and pursue your dreams, however crazy they may be.

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