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India’s Best Designed PGP in Infrastructure Management

A greater proportion of One-Year programmes currently being offered by Indian Business Schools are essentially General Management Programmes. Some Business Schools offer One-Year programmes with specialization in either Ports & Shipping, or Oil & Gas, but very few reputed foreign or Indian Business Schools offer full time One-Year Programme covering the entire spectrum of infrastructure and allied sectors. To bridge this gap AIIM offers a unique One Year Residential Post Graduate Programme in Infrastructure Management (PGPIM).

AIIM Board of Governors

AIIM is governed by an independent Board of Governors comprising of:

Mr. Gautam Adani (Chairman)

Dr. Bakul Dholakia (Vice Chairman)**

Dr. J. J. Irani

Mr. Sanjay Lalbhai

Mr. Rajesh Adani

Dr. R. A. Mashelkar

Dr. Malay Mahadevia

Prof. G. Raghuram

Prof. Indira Parikh

Prof. K. V. Ramani

** Dr. Bakul Dholakia , Former Director of IIM Ahmedabad, is the Director of AIIM.

Program Design

PGPIM has been designed in 2009 by a Programme Design Committee consisting of eminent academicians from IIM Ahmedabad & IIT Bombay and senior professionals from the infrastructure sector. PGPIM design represents a unique blend of theory and practice with special forms on various aspects of infrastructure sector.

PGPIM is a rigorous full time residential programme involving around 800 sessions of 75 minutes each:

22 Core Courses in General Management : 365 sessions

17 Core Courses in Infrastructure Management : 235 sessions

07 Elective Courses in different areas of specialization : 140 sessions

Independent Project Work : 40 sessions

Study Visits to Infrastructure Projects : 30 sessions


Courses offered in PGPIM employ a mix of pedagogical methods including Case Discussion & Analysis, Lectures, Group Exercises, Simulations, Presentations, Role Plays, Project Work and Field Visits to enhance the effectiveness and richness of learning and in-class experience. Special emphasis is laid on the Case Method as a dominant mode of instruction.


AIIM is one of the rare Business Schools in India, where all full time faculty members hold PhD and majority of the visiting faculty also hold PhD in relevant fields. AIIM has a healthy student faculty ratio of less than 3 students per full time faculty. AIIM has 7 full time, 35 visiting and 20 guest faculty on its faculty list. The vast experience and knowledge of AIIM faculty provides impetus to students to strive for excellence and widen the horizon of their knowledge.

The AIIM full time faculty list includes:

Dr. Bakul Dholakia

Dr. Diptiranjan Mahapatra

Dr. Tejas Desai

Dr. Pramod Yadav

Dr. Preeta Vyas

Dr. Amit Shrivastava

Dr. Ganesh Devkar

Some of the academic luminaries on AIIM visiting faculty list are:

Dr. A.Tripathy

Dr. Girja Sharan

Dr. Indira Parikh

Dr. Ravindra Dholakia

Dr. Mukul Vasavada

Dr. Sunil Kumar Maheshwari

Dr. Bimal Patel

Dr. Ramesh Bhat

Dr. Bhargav Adhvaryu

Dr. Abinash Panda

Dr. Debjit Roy

Dr. Ruchi Tewari

The brief profiles of AIIM full time and visiting faculty can be viewed on Faculty Information webpage on AIIM website.

The AIIM guest faculty list includes senior level seasoned managers and practitioners from the corporate sector.

PGPIM derives its strengths from the academic luminaries and the backing of the corporate sector to emerge as one of the Country’s best designed Infrastructure Management Programmes. PGPIM has been successful in creating Managers who can take up challenging roles in Infra and allied sectors. AIIM Alumni working in the industry are testimony to the fact that the academic rigour of PGPIM coupled with industry exposure has added value to their professional career.

Note: This is a sponsored article and has NOT been written by the PaGaLGuY Editorial Team. It is intended from an informational perspective only and it isupto the readers to research and verify the claims andjudgements in the article before reaching a conclusion.

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