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How Not To Study For CAT 2015

Exams like CAT are more a test of one’s mental grit and stamina than mere aptitude / IQ / speed testing etc. Managers and leaders of tomorrow should be trained on the art of analysis leading to analytical and/or intuition-based decision-making. Over the years, the CAT conducted by the IIMs, has been testing students primarily on these aspects.

Keeping in mind the rigorous schedule you are undergoing, below are a few suggestions from our side for your successful test preparation:

1. There’s No Point Cramming At The Last Moment

Stick to a strict timeline. Make sure that you have finished covering all the basic concepts at least once by this time. The next two months should be utilized towards re-iterating the concepts and working on mock tests to understand working under pressure and within the stipulated time.

2. Do Not Let The Doubts Breed

If a doubt troubles you, make sure you have it cleared. That doubt could make or break your chances! Why take the risk then? Clear it up and practice related questions so that you don’t forget. Ask your professors, seniors, and mentors for guidance when in need.

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 3. No One Is Perfect

Verbal reasoning and reading comprehension continue to be challenges even for the best minds. Read, for at least an hour everyday, about subjects / topics which are not of natural interest / choice, to cope up with the verbal section.

4. Avoid Blunders

Do not focus only on aptitude. Ignoring maturity building areas like reading business newspapers, biographies and autobiographies of business leaders (Indian and Global), attending conferences/seminars and networking with the people that matter can take you a long way in securing your candidacy at the desired B-School.

Lastly, let us not forget that skills required to succeed in the corporate / as an entrepreneur may be different from those required to obtain exceptional high school grades. Many colleges (some featuring even in the top 10) look at a decent profile and not necessarily at a high score in management entrance exams. So, do not overload yourself with a lot of stress. Face the CAT with a calm mind and you will be able to bell it successfully.

Enjoy what you do. Do what you enjoy. Remember, the sky will never fall no matter what happens.

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