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How (not) to face interviews like a Pro

(*PIMP = Prominent Institute of Management, Patiala)

And we are sure there are times you’ve felt you could just break out of the whole narrating-answers-which-have-been-learnt-by-rote rut. Coaching classes and instruction books cannot coach you more with spieling out mechanized answers.

To do a better job than what you’ve been coached in, have a look at your own form. Try to make it more interesting (that does not mean you start drawing pictures and reciting poetry at the interview). Do realize that the guy at the other side of the interview table is also human, and he has to listen to the same drivel day upon day. Make things exciting for him and he too will take an interest in you automatically. Channel the interview your way instead of being subjected to the same standard questions.

Disclaimer: PG is not responsible if you take our advice too much to heart and end up making a of yourself at the interview . We’re guessing you know where to draw lines.

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