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Decline in reading habit. Causes & Consquences

The busy schedule of life, the fast running of metros, the heavy traffic signals, the over irritating sound of vehicles, my fixed office incoming time but not sure about the exit time etc has become an indispensable part of my monotonous routine. These have their own consequences and one of them being is the inability to give proper time to reading stuff i once used to give.

In this changed scenario, i prefer to have a glimpse of Google news to have an update on major news; i like to have an update of their twitter account to know about all these events/people that are of my concern. I am happy to see the comedy show every night in the prime time news and enjoying the quarrel of our politicians. I don’t forget to take a bunch of books while going on vacation since these hectic busy days don’t give him enough opportunity to spare time for reading.

When i look back my vacation days spent during my home, i remember many people, mostly a generation older than me, sitting and reading hours continuously. There are some people who don’t leave a single line in the newspaper editorial unread. And when i have one to one discussion with these people regarding any event i get astonished to see their depth of knowledge, the perception of the event and their way of thinking and opining the matter.

Reading has got its own set of advantages which we in our busy set of life fail to understand and prioritize. The decline in the reading habit cannot be perfectly attributed to the decline in the interest of the people. They can better be attributed to the fact that people hardly get time to read.

Reading habit makes you a good viewer of the subject. The reading forces you to contemplate on the matter which doesn’t happen when you are looking for fast 100 news in 2 minutes on any news channel and in this way brings the best opinion out of you. Reading makes you a good critique of the subject. Reading helps you ask a good set of questions. So if one is not reading he will be deprived of all these benefits.

U Read – U Think – U question – U Understand – U are Understood.

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