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Computer Knowledge Quiz for Banking entrance exams

Dear readers,

This quiz consists of actual questions from
various Banking entrance exams held during the last few years. Leave your
answers/ responses in the comments section below and soon we’ll let you know
the correct answers!

1. Which of the following is possible with
open architecture?

(1) A minimum of six new devices to be added to a

(2) Hot swapping of devices

(3) Users to upgrade and add new devices as they come
on the market

(4) All hardware, input and output devices to be
located in one efficient box.

(5) A minimum of four new devices to be added to a

2. __________ are special visual and sound
effects contained in a presentation graphics file

(1) attractions

(2) simulations

(3) animatronics

(4) graphics

(5) animations

3. Step by step instructions that run the
computer are?

(1) CPUs

(2) programs

(3) solutions

(4) hardware

(5) documents

4. The process of writing computer
instructions in a programming language is known as?

(1) processing

(2) algorithming

(3) coding

(4) file

(5) instructioning

5. Another name for the program is?

(1) software

(2) procedure

(3) typology

(4) utilities

(5) userware

6. __________ is a communications
technology used by some incoming mail servers

(1) Telnet

(2) TCP

(3) FTP

(4) GIF

(5) POP

7. The wo basic parts of URLs are?

(1) TCP and IP

(2) TCP / IP and ISP

(3) TCP and ftp

(4) destination and device

(5) the protocol and the domain name

8. The primary purpose of software is to turn data

(1) information

(2) programs        

(3) objects      

(4) charts                 

(5) websites

9. The _________ database is the most
widely used database structure.

(1) hierarchical

(2) general

(3) standard

(4) table

(5) relational

10. Which of the following terms is associated with

(1) MS Excel     

(2) Mouse        

(3) Word          

(4) Connectivity

(5) Plotter

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9(4)     10(4)

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