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Best Books for CAT Preparation

cat exam books

CAT is one of the most sought-after Management entrance tests. Almost every popular B-school in India accepts the CAT Examination scores. Each year, lakhs of candidates apply for CAT exam which means every single candidate competes with lakhs of other candidates in order to fulfil their dream of perusing a Management degree from one among India’s best B-schools.

Best books for CAT:

   There are no books for CAT that will cover all the topics. Here are some books available for different sections of CAT:

Quantitative Aptitude: this section is a key component for unlocking a winning CAT score. This section covers the topics like numbers, average, geometry, algebra, counting, etc.

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning:

   In order to solve the questions on Data Interpretation, knowledge of mathematics is essential. Data interpretation is usually of calculative nature. This section will consist of tables, pie-charts, graphs and so on. Logical reasoning section will focus on the problem –solving.

 Online courses:    

Other recommended books for CAT:

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension:

   This section is to test the knowledge of candidates in the English language. It consists of grammar, vocabulary, critical reasoning and reading comprehension.

Online resources:

Also, there are few other books like

The complete CAT digest by Arun Sharma and published by Tata Mc Graw Hill. This is a must-have book for any MBA aspirant. It focuses on CAT mainly and covers the basics of an MBA entrance test.

How to prepare for the CAT by Muhamed Muneer and published by OM books. This book is an excellent self-study manual for CAT. Also, tips for scoring high in CAT exams are provided in this book. You can choose the best book by knowing about Common Admission Test in detail.

CAT books by Plancess is a study material designed by qualified professionals. It covers four main sections. They are Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. Also, great news is that this book contains 22 years CAT questions with detailed solutions.

A good book should contain enough number of mock test and practice questions in it. If you are doing a self-study, then it is important to refer to the right books

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