IILM University,Gurugram

Delving into the depths of thought and culture!

PhilCom at IILM University kicked off their first-ever dialectic event, “Exploring Popular Culture Through Philosophical Lens”. It was a captivating journey where diverse minds came together to explore the intersection of pop culture and profound philosophy.

From movies to music, TV shows to ancient texts like the Bhagavad Gita, attendees embarked on a fascinating exploration of timeless wisdom.

Concepts like duty (dharma), righteousness, and self were dissected amidst engaging discussions, drawing intriguing parallels between ancient wisdom and contemporary trends.

It was a thought-provoking rendezvous that showcased how philosophical principles transcend time and space, resonating deeply across cultures and generations.

#iilm #iilmians #PhilCom #PopCulturePhilosophy #DialecticJourney #WisdomBeyondTime #iilmgurugram