IBPS CWE SPL - V - Specialist Officer - Exam Result

The result for the exam of IBPS CWE SPL - V for the post of Specialist Officer will be released during February, 2016 More information will be available on the IBPS website http://www.ibps.in

guys share any website useful for technical portion for it officers...

Friendss...can anyone please tell what is the final selection cutoff for SBI SO 2014..please post marks here 

hey friends. am preparing for law officer 2016. can anybody tell me what will be the expected cut off for this year? and how much questions should one attempt? Thanks 😃

Hey friends.how many of you are going to give ibps law officer 2016

Question :Statements:

No commotion is a concoction.               No concoction is a contortion.

No contortion is a cunning.


All concoction not being commotion is a possibility.


All cunning are not concoction.


All contortion are not commotion

.How many  follows???

Does anyone here have good study material for IBPS CWE IT..? Please provide me with the same asap.

Any idea for date of results of Ibps s.o written test ? And cut off for s.o marketing general?

Guys pls share your experience abt the Ibps IT Specialist exam...and would be expected cutoff for different category. And what was previous year cutoff. Pls rply...pls

full facts related to all banking


last year minimum marks out of 100


77 Specialist officer Bank jobs at Bank Of India


sso result out.. http://demo.sifyitest.com/cwesplnov15/ressd_feb16/login.php?msg=f&appid=4923c611c01cd9e6b98d080f8c4cebb8

The candidates who cleared written kindly share your attempts.


When they will declare cutoff marks???

When will the call letter ibps spl-5 reprint be activated

Anyone from here who gave oicl law officer and ibps so law officer

What's cut off for IT Officer???

whats the cut off for law officer?