Word Usage for CAT2013

Word usage questions had always appeared since the Online Version of the CAT.-Lets discuss them in detail here.-Link to last year’s thread,http://www.pagalguy.com/forums/verbal-ability/word-usage-cat-2012-t-83419/p-3579370/r-3964172?page=1

Word usage questions had always appeared since the Online Version of the CAT.


Lets discuss them in detail here.


Link to last year's thread,



The word given below has been used in sentences in four different ways. Choose the option
corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.

(a) The latest computers will be on show at the exhibition.
(b) She had shown herself unable to deal with money.
(c) It just goes to show what you can do when you really try.
(d) He showed me up by snoring during the concert.

(a) There was a job of work waiting for him that he was not looking forward to.
(b) That cup of tea was just the job.
(c) Sorting these papers out is going to be a tall
(d) He got six months for that last job he did.

@nramachandran said:
SET 1The word given below has been used in sentences in four different ways. Choose the optioncorresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.1.SHOW(a) The latest computers will be on show at the exhibition.(b) She had shown herself unable to deal with money.(c) It just goes to show what you can do when you really try.(d) He showed me up by snoring during the concert.2.JOB(a) There was a job of work waiting for him that he was not looking forward to.(b) That cup of tea was just the job.(c) Sorting these papers out is going to be a tall(d) He got six months for that last job he did.
OA for SET 1

1. d
2. c

1. d. 'show' is used to depict an occasion when a collection of things are brought together for people to look at. Show is also used to make it clear that you have a particular quality. Show can be used in 'goes to show' to say that something proves something. The correct
usage in (d) should be “showed me down” which means to make somebody feel embarrassed by behaving badly.
2. c 'Job of work' means a work that you are paid to do or that must be done. 'just the job' means exactly what is needed in a particular situation. The correct expression
in (c) should be 'a long job” which means a particular task or piece of work that you have to do. Job can also be used as in statement (d) to describe a crime,especially stealing.

@nramachandran : Good to see this thread.!

PS: Let ppl contirbute their answers. You can then give the OA. May after 10 replies or EOD.. Thanks for starting the thread.


(a) These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot climates.
(b) You should get years of wear out of that carpet.
(c) She wears her hair long.
(d) You're wearing off well—only a few grey hairs!
(a) I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him up at the office.
(b) The ball stopped five feet short of the pin.
(c) He's not as quick on his pins as he used to be.
(d) For two pins I'd tell her what I really think of her.

@nramachandran said:
SET-21.WEAR(a) These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot climates.(b) You should get years of wear out of that carpet.(c) She wears her hair long.(d) You're wearing off well—only a few grey hairs!-2.PIN(a) I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him up at the office.(b) The ball stopped five feet short of the pin.(c) He's not as quick on his pins as he used to be.(d) For two pins I'd tell her what I really think of her.

I'd go for d and a.

First mein "wearing off" is not correct in context, it would be used something like "the paint on the walls is wearing off"

Second mein it should be "pin him down"...."pin up" is what you can do to a poster not a person.


I will go for d and d.

Wearing off context doesnt seem correct in case of a person.

In the second the expression For two pins is incorrect. It should be two pence.

@kleppner said:
@nramachandranI will go for d and d.Wearing off context doesnt seem correct in case of a person.In the second the expression For two pins is incorrect. It should be two pence.
"For two pins" is an archaic slang for "for two pence"....it means "at the slightest provocation" or "if you give me a reason"...so I think it is acceptable usage...


@nramachandran said:
SET-21.WEAR(a) These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot climates.(b) You should get years of wear out of that carpet.(c) She wears her hair long.(d) You're wearing off well—only a few grey hairs!-2.PIN(a) I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him up at the office.(b) The ball stopped five feet short of the pin.(c) He's not as quick on his pins as he used to be.(d) For two pins I'd tell her what I really think of her.
1.a(designed to wear?) and 2.a(pin down)

my stake for set 2

1. d 2. d
OA for SET 2

@scrabbler @ChirpiBird @kleppner @mohita.mundra

1. (d) Wear can be used as a noun that describes the fact of wearing something (designed for wear). Wear can also be used to describe the amount or type of use that something has over a period of time. Wear can also mean 'to have something on your body as a piece
of clothing, a decoration, etc. or to have your hair in a particular style; to have a beard or moustache. Wear off means fading out or slowly reducing. The correct sentence (d) should be “You're wearing well—only a few grey hairs!” wear well means to stay in good condition/health.

2.(a) The correct sentence should be “I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the office.” To pin someone down means to find somebody and make them answer a question or tell you something you need to know. In golf, a pin is a stick with a flag on top of it, placed in a hole so that players can see where they are aiming for. Pin is also used for a person's legs. for two pins is an idiom that is used to say that you would like to do something, even though you know that it would not be sensible.

does anyone have any systematic material for Word usage.

hi guys.. please tell me TECHNIQUES to master WORD USAGE TYPE QUESTIONS ?